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Another "Saddle" style Guitar strap

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First off, just glad to see we're back together. From my years in IT, the one thing I learned is the databases suck!, and I appreciate all the work Johanna, and CitizenKate are doing. No more sleepless nights for me, though...lol, I do leatherwork now....

I don't know if our previous posts will ever come back, but a little while back I did a "saddle" style guitar strap, and thought I'ld try my hand at another.

This time, I included carving, and basketweaving, along with a latigo keeper, I cut out with my head knife. I wish I could afford a makers stamp, that latigo keeper cried out for one...maybe in a few weeks.

Anyways here are the pix:









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gul dang! thats slick!

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Thanx Kevin! There's quite a few mistakes in this one, but overall, it looked good, I thought. I need to get me one of them good basketweave stamps...my thirtyfive year old tandy one, just isn't cuttin' it.

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I like the color. Antique is what I use....practically on everything.

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Nice job!!! If you need a good/reasonable maker's stamp let me know and I can get one for your in Delrin™ or Magnesium. I use both and like my simple Delrin™ better for the crispness of the design. I can also get good prices on Barry King tools. He makes some of the best along with Wayne Jueschke, Ellis Barnes (Hackbarth) pricey and Robert Beard. You can buy from Barry and Robert direct or HideCo formerly Hide Crafter is a dealer for King. Hope that helps!

I like that strap pattern. Wher can I get a copy of it?


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aswum , looks great............. :thumbsup:

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I Like it:-)

I'm doing a guitar strap for my daughter right now and you have the absolute right "color" (antique) on there that she wants. So my question is what did you use?

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Thanx everyone, I was out making a dog leash. I didn't expect all these responses, but I guess having the board down has everyone chomping at the bits...lol

Spider/Tina...The color was actually 3 parts or so neatsfoot oil/1 part walnut spirit dye. When that dried, I went over it with light brown antique.

Indy...I need a little more money from sales first, before I can buy any more stuff...that's why I'm making do for a bit. Expect an email when I'm ready.

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Thank You rdb,

I'm going to experiment a bit to get that "right weathered" look. Your strap have that fab look to it :-)

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Very nice looking rdb, love the color.


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That's a very nice strap, very nice !!! You did one heck of a good job man, i love the color, the look and the style. I'm thinkin i just might need one of those.....

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