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I heard there was someone around here who refurbishes old tools.

I'm starting horsehide belts and I need everything... punches, belt end die cutter, hole punch, bevel tool, burnisher, stamps, etc.

I also would like to know where you guys buy finishes in bulk. If anyone knows a quality horsehide leather supplier suitable for belts (I have no idea what to look for in belt leather...)

Feel free to post or pm me.

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Bruce Johnson is a great resource for beautifully refurbished quality vintage and second-hand tools. His web site is at brucejohnsonleather.com.

azinger on this forum has made a lot of stuff from horse hide, but I don't know off-hand where he has been buying his from since Seigel of CA underwent their recent transformation. You might try PMing him.

What kind of finishes are you looking for?

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Kate beat me to it I second Bruce Johnso. As to leather if you are looking for horse I would contact Horween they are a tannery buy direct if you are going to buy quanity. What kind or style of belts are you looking at making. Horse will work especially if you want thin belts, veg tanned is needed if you are going to do any tooling, Bullhide also makes a very strong belt.

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Thanks, I've checked out his website. So far I'm planning on making simple (plain) 1 inch and 1.5 inch belts, with solid brass buckles, little to no decorations, and rivets are to be determined.

I'm not sure how large of a slot punch I should buy, though. I read somewhere 1.5" is a typical size, but Bruce Johnson doesn't sell anything bigger than 1 1/8".

Also, I have no idea what size of bevel I need. Common theme here... While we're at it, should I consider stripping the buckle end of the leather to reduce bulk?

Thanks for the leather recommendations too. I won't be doing any tooling, so... what are my options in terms of tan? I know I want horsehide.

Sorry if this turned into a help thread. Mods feel free to move it if you want.

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Inch and a half is a big slot punch. Most smaller belts I've seen use 3/4" or 1" slots for the buckle tounge. You might want to make a couple prototypes and cut the slot by hand a few times to see what works before you buy tools. Good punches actually cost a bit. Bigger ones especally can run a bit of moeny.

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Thanks, I'll to some tests before I purchase one.

Still looking for a quality brass hardware manufacturer.

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Don't get me started on the pains of brass hardware. It's getting harder to come by these days. Best source I've found is Ohio Travel Bag, www.ohiotravelbag.com

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