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Uh, ok. I'm embarrased to admit, I can't figure it out.

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I can see the bust clearly.....but still looking for the holster......am I busted...??


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Oops ROFL. Underbust harness! Not holster. Sorry brunette moment :)

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I would edit the caption but I can't figure it out, oh well lol. " Holster" will get more attention than "harness" anyway :P

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I would edit the caption but I can't figure it out, oh well lol. " Holster" will get more attention than "harness" anyway :P

OK I have to answer now... From an attention grabbing item, a bust harness is going to win every time. This one looks very nice.

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..Well, holster may still work. The lady in the picture is packing a pair--they just aren't a pair of pistols. Wonder how I'd look in something like that....eh, nevermind. :blink: I'd probably look like a leather-wrapped sausage, actually. I don't think I have the right figure for that.

Is that you Renee? You going to take that to the Faire and beat guys off with that sword?

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More of a bolster than a holster.

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Thanks guys! LOL You guys are cracking me up!

Oh, by the way, this photo is me ROFL!

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Goodness! You need a weapons permit for those. LOL

That looks good. Awesome work.

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:notworthy: FREE the Girls n be HAPPY. :thumbsup:

:oops: PISTOLS...hmmmmm :Newsicon: :Newsicon: :Newsicon: :Newsicon:

Edited by Greystone

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Dadgum......whether it's an Underbust Holster or Harness, it is definitely in action. I'm wondering if I shouldn't look into the Ren Faire stuff a bit further...LOL. BTW, nice work.

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Of course you should look into it Double U! If anything the ren faires are a great place to have fun and "sneek peeks" LOL. It is the only place we women can dress a bit naughty and get away with it. I am all about the faires....what more could you ask for? A few shows, leather art work everywhere, hot chicks, cool looking men, and FOOD!!

Thanks Double U!

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There's one in Larkspur if you want to scope it out, Double U. http://coloradorenaissance.com/

I will forewarn you on something they don't mention on their website--Although it is usually very hot, they have no potable water on site for the public: no water stations, no water fountains. Instead, they'll want to sell you overpriced bottled water and discourage you from bringing in outside water.

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wow Very Nice Renee !

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very impressive!!

dont know why but it reminds me of a playground joke from decades ago - What do you call a stone age bra? - an Over Shoulder Boulder Holder.

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Great Grandmothers Spatula!


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Really cool. I assume you made the rest of the leather accoutrements? Fantastic.

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