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Humen Sewing Machine

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My grandma gave me this sewing machine today, she said my grandpa would use it to sew canvas. Anyone ever see one of these? Would it be okay for 4-5oz leather?

It's pretty old, but still seems to work! Appears to have been manufactured in Edmonton or Ontario.


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Put a leather needle in and give it a try. I started with a old Brother brand sewing machine. Didn't work very well though. Just not heavy enough.

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It looks like a HA-1 (Singer Class 15 Clone) made in Japan. Although you said it appears to have been made in Ontario. I just acquired a White 619 that looks identical, and research on the many vintage sewing machine forums lead me to information regarding the generic Singer Class 15 clones that were manufactured in Japan under many, many , many different brands.

Mine was missing a few parts, but I sourced them from a Singer 15-88 and after a good cleaning, oiling, and polishing, it sews like a dream. I have an Industrial machine for my heavy leathers, and the most I have sewn with this one is 3oz (2 pieces of 1.5oz leather together). Not sure I would want to try 4 to 5 oz leather with it. My White is just for wallet interiors.

That is a great machine you have and I would definitely hold on to it.


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Thanks Karina - I at least have a starting point now for researching this machine. I can't seem to turn up anything under "Humen" so I'll try looking at "Singer Class 15 Clones"

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It is IDENTICLE to my 15-91. It will sew 4-5 oz but you might have to help it along at times. Make sure you use leather point needles and make sure to strop them occasionally to keep them sharp!!

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It is IDENTICLE to my 15-91. It will sew 4-5 oz but you might have to help it along at times. Make sure you use leather point needles and make sure to strop them occasionally to keep them sharp!!

Awesome! I checked out some of the 15-91s on ebay and they look almost identical. I'm guessing this was the model that was "cloned" by the Japanese in the late 40's and 50's. Can't wait to give it a go :)

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I have a Humen sewing machine in the original stand with the chair. From what I have found the parts were made in China not Japan as most Singer clones were and the machine was assembled by Humen Sewing Machine Company in Edmonton, Alberta. It looks exactly like the Singer 15-91. From what I can tell Humen Sewing Machine Company was in Edmonton after the war until about 1954...cannot find anything on them later. Still looking for more information. It should sew leather with the right needle.


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