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I've made several of these, . . . many smaller handguns lend themselves very well to this design.

This is for a friend, . . . it's a Keltec .380.

I enjoy knocking these out.

May God bless,




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Nice work, looks like a quick one to do. I like making holsters for the little guns. I've got a KelTec P32 and I can bang out a neat little holster for that thing in short time and use next to no leather to do it. You got any good pocket holster patterns for these little things? I've thought of drawing one out but I'm not sure on the dimensions to use since every pair of pants I own has a different size pocket.

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I like it Dwight. Pretty cool little guy.


Very nice Dwight!


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I like the little guys, too. Looks like a fun one to make, and quick to boot. Nice!

From your pictures, it looks like your tension is off on the machine.

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Hey Dwight, any particular reason why you did a reverse fold over on these? Was it just for the fun of it or do you get better retention in the trigger guard area?

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Hey Dwight, any particular reason why you did a reverse fold over on these? Was it just for the fun of it or do you get better retention in the trigger guard area?

I can't tell you his name, . . . but there is a fellow who makes a style of holster called a Rhodesian. It is always made that way.

I got my inspiration from that style, . . . as it gets rid of everything under the handle, . . . something necessary when dealing with a pea shooter.

I use this style from the Keltec .32 on up to S&W 9mm Shield.

My version is called a "butterfly" because when you first cut the pattern, . . . that's what it looks like laying on the work bench.

May God bless,


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Thad Rybka designed and makes the Rhodesian holster.

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