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Santa Ynez Reins

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Finished a little earlier today. Reins are 8 square split to two fours. Romal is 12 square. I made these to sell, but kind of like them, may have to keep them. I started braiding to make better stuff for myself than I could afford to buy, now I sell all the good stuff & keep the stuff I make mistakes on. Buck


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Those look great. Love the black rawhide.

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Great job, Buck, definitly keepers. Brad

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Your reins and romal look fantastic! But I was wondering, What is this square braid you are so fond of ?

Do you have a close up of it?

Where might I find instructions on how it is done?



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Thanks guys. GrampaJoel, My camera isn't good enough to get the detail, but if you braid 8 strands under 2 over 2 (12 is under 3 over 3, 16 is under 4 over 4) without a core you get 4 distinct faces. Opposing sides will match, on 2 side the v's are up & 2 sides are down. If you braid it over a core it will turn out round. This is kind of the old time ranch standard. Some like it because they can feel the difference between the reins & a riata. Since you're not braiding over a core, you use thicker strings which will take more abuse than thinner strings over a core. I also prefer the life & feel to reins with a core. Hope you all have a Happy & Prosperous New Year. Buck

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Thanks bucksnort for the info.

I think I might have to give the square plat a try just to see what it looks like.


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Nice work, Buck. Keep 'em I reckon.


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Thank you much. Joel, keep us posted on how they turn out. Buck

Edited by bucksnort

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