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What is the correct way to make a tapered gun belt ? Coming from 1.5 " to 1.25" on both ends. Is there a templet that is available or is it just "free hand" ? I can never get it so it looks the same.

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Sounds like you know what you want.. should be easy enough to make your own template. Posterboard works well for low-production runs (less than 1/day).

Then, you're only talking about taking the belt down 1/8" per side, so you could make this as gradual or as steep as you like.

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Ya, I've tried that but it never comes out right. I was wondering if there was a templet (hard plastic ect) that was avail and accurate.

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This is what I do. Fold a sheet of heavy paper (grocery bag) draw the shape you want and making sure it stays firmly together cut along the line you've drawn. Open the pattern and there you are. Transfer the pattern to plastic,sheet metal for a permanent guide. The nice thing about this method, you can make as make patterns as you wish until you find the right one.


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I'm gonna guess that ABC3 is having a difficult time making them look even on each side of the belt buckle. The drop from big to small is personal taste. I like the abrupt drop. Not a 90 but noticeable.

I make a belt out of poster board with the exact dimensions of proposed belt. I punch holes and buckle it to the "favorite" (middle) hole. Then measure the distance from each side of the buckle.

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If you get proportions you like, you might have somebody like Joyce @ Black River Laser cut a template for you.

She has two sets of tapered billet/buckle ends already but apparently doesn't use many 1.25 buckles--sets are (1.75 to 1) & (1.5 to 1, 1.25 to 0.75 and 1 to 0.625 (5/8)). You might try using the 1.5 to 1 and just stop at a set of guidelines parallel to the edges and inset 1/8 in.

Joyce has been very good to me; I've got many of her products: http://www.blackriverlaser.com

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Joyce does her templates on computer, it would be easy enough for her to resize one of her templates to give you what you want. Blackriverlaser.com prices are pretty reasonable. contact her and see what she can do.

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Thanks guys - I will contact Joyce regarding this.

Stay safe and again Thanks.

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Would you happen to have a number for: Joyce @blackriverlaser ? I went to her website & tried to send her 3 messages & all 3 bounced back. Don't know why.

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Posted (edited)

I don't have a phone number. A couple of days ago Joyce said she was having trouble with her email. You canb get a hold of her through her ebay store http://www.ebay.com/usr/joy6756?rt=nc up in the right hand corner click on contact and follow the prompts. THey are also members on these forums you can try sending a PM. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showuser=25445

Edited by camano ridge
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Thanks for your help. No contact info on eBay. Will keep trying.

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You can send a message to her through the ebay site when you click on contact you will have to sign on to ebay then select not a bout an item it will give you a message box you can send a message to her for contact. Also a person on these forums Chief I will get his full screen name has quite a bit of contact with them. You might PM him and see if he can put you in contact.

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She just emailed me so I guess one of my messages got thru. Thanks everyone for your help.

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