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Stuff I Find That Shocks The Hell Out Of Me

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So...in my search to increase my skills in my chosen hobby of leather work, I have scoured the internet in search of ideas and exotic leather.

Needless to say, my journey has lead me to some areas where even my not so delicate sensitivities have been shocked.

Up 'til now, the winner of the most shocking award was a site I happened upon that makes wallets and shoes and belts from 'legally harvested human skin'

But that has been surpassed by my discovery of a ladies wallet that 'holds up to 40 credit cards'


(If you are someone who owns 40 or more credit cards, please don't let me know...I like all my friends and wish to keep them)

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It is a scary world especially the internet.

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Lots of things are 'credit card sized'. Bank debit cards. I've got a couple of credit cards but a sh** pile of those damn 'rewards' cards. And then there are 'membership' cards (big box warehouses, sporting and fitness clubs). Not to mention hobby and recreational 'club' cards. And even insurance and dental cards. The drivers license might also count as a 'card'. I've got 32 and know of a dozen or so that I don't carry on a daily basis. Personally I think they are safer in my pocket then floating around in a dresser drawer or a bill box or what ever. And as a final FYI, I just bought a kit 'card wallet' specifically because it holds 30+ cards; no matter how well I organize the damn things, the one I want always hides behind or in-between a couple others. Yeah for more slots.

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I read somewhere (here i think) that SS officers during WW2 prized leather articles made from humans.....even more so if they had tattoos. Made my skin crawl.

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Wow, that is .... seriously creepy. What does human leather look like? I'm not sure if I want to find out....

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I think some one made a saddle from,

cadaver skin try google it

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Theres a book If I'm remembering correctly in yale or harvard thats made of human skin, the thought of it is even creepy.

Probably a business man/women's purse. My father has a book case type thing with 100 cards at least.

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I just surprised myself. My wallet (which is a little stuffed) contains 20 cards, including my insurance cards, AAA, drivers license and work ID. Didn't think I carried that many. At least my wallet is just regular cow skin.

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I guess I'm just morbid or wierd, but just out of curiousity, I was looking up some items. A human wallet goes for $14,000. Don't think I'll be dealing in that market anytime soon. lol

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Where can I get some of this legally harvested human flesh...that would make a fine cover for my moleskine, and go great with my collection of creepy stuff

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Wow, that is .... seriously creepy. What does human leather look like? I'm not sure if I want to find out....

I guess I'm not really creeped out by it, but that's all dependant on your worldview and how society chooses to deal with death. Some cultures hold the spirit in high regard, but have almost no use for bodies after they die. If you don't consider cadavers as some sacred thing, just another animal meat-bag with an overdeveloped frontal lobe, human leather isn't any weirder than pig leather. Odd and rare, sure, but it's an untapped resource.

And like cowhides, domestic sources would have more sqft per hide than imported.

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Where can I get some of this legally harvested human flesh...that would make a fine cover for my moleskine, and go great with my collection of creepy stuff

Supposedly in India or there abouts. There was another thread about tanned human hide a few months ago. I think there was more information in that thread.


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The credit card thing reminded me of something that happened years ago. I was serving on the credit committee for the company's credit union and we just started issuing credit cards. The credit union staff couldn't reject anyone - only the credit committee could - so we saw all the really bad cases. One guy had a list of debts that went on for pages and pages. When he came in to discuss why he had been rejected, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a stack of about 50 credit cards held together with a rubber band and said, "I don't understand. None of these companies turned me down!" He was basically using each new card to make payments on the old ones.

There really are clueless folks out there.

As for the human skin, I remember seeing some program about museums and there's some small museum that has a pair of shoes made in the 1800's out of human skin. I googled it and this is what I found: Shoes Made From Big Nose George. It's actually a funny story, even if it's a little morbid.

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Regarding the HS thing: slippery slope anyone? kinda reminds me of the historical vis/a/vis current thing over horse derived products in this country vs others. I find myself even having trouble navigating it. The horse slaughter debate is kind of a gate keeper. In my own life (70+) years, I've been all over the map on it and I guess I could see myself following (not leading) forays beyond some lines and returning or maybe, just maybe not coming all the way back. I just heard some poor vet talking about the difficulties of putting the warroir mentality that battlefield survival often breeds into its proper (?) place with the kinder, gentler norms of home. At present, I would still be appalled at anybody's proud possession of HS items but tomorrow?

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Just to make sure nobody gets the wrong idea, I'm not advocating the use of HS, nor is anyone else as far as I can tell. It has been done; it's probably been considered gruesome for thousands of years.

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I won't comment on the human skin thing, but on credit cards my actions recently will demonstrate my thoughts on them:

My wife called me at work one day and said, "My purse was stollen at Walmart, you need to call the police!", I thought for a minute and told her, "Nope, there's no way the crooks will ever spend as much as you".


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well I am ok, i stupidly sliced my leg the other day, so at least in the near future i know no ones gonna make a canoe outta me.... :thumbsup:

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