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I was asked to make a pattern for a vambrace, something edgy so I came up with this.

The print size is 11x17 I measured my arm for it so I would suggest cutting it out of paper first and wrapping it around your own forearm to see if it needs to be enlarged or shrunk.

Have fun and keep on LARPing



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Thank yo uso much Tom for ALL your shared patterns, as a bit of a newbie these help sooooooooooo much. I just wish they were all in one thread so I wouldn't have to search everywhere lol

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You're welcome Chain. If you're into the leather armor thing, I'm currently trying to come up with a pattern for a leather helmet based on the skyrim helmet. I'll email you when I get it done. Meanwhile, if there's something you'd like, let me know and I'll do my best to come up with it for you. Of course, when it comes to wearable stuff, we're going to have to have a lot of back and forth with you sending me measurements. Even then, I would suggest that you cut out whatever I send you and mock it up with paper so that you don't waste good money on leather that won't fit

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Which Helmet/helm where you thinking T? there are several in Skyrim.

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