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I am planning to make a budget holster belt using snaps and no stitching. Another more experienced holster maker in the area was bad mouthing single layer holster belts on Facebook with concerns of stretching and sagging after a few months of daily carry. I thought I would ask the community to see what the general consensus was whether a single unstitched layer belt was practical for a holster belt and what thickness of leather you all use for such. Any and all advice appreciated.

Thank you,


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Hi Joe,

I don't make single belts for duty as the holster puts considerable twist on the belt. I usually double-up 6-8oz backs.

i definitely don't make "economy" anything for duty or off duty use. I do make single cowboy belts for period use, but I use 10oz or more bull backs when I can get them. Leather today isn't what it was 20 years ago, lighter leather especially. Availability also not what it used to be.


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I'm with Art, . . . my CCW belts go out of here as a doubled 7 or thereabouts.

I cannot tell you the engineering or anything else as to why it does it, . . . but two pieces of 3/4 bonded together is one heck of a lot stronger than any single layer the same thickness or even thicker.

May God bless,


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Hey Dwight...quick question/clarification...

Did you mean doubled 7/8 oz leather or doubled to be 7/8 oz leather?


Doubled 7/8, . . .

I like my belts to come out more or less at the .200 to .220 mark on my caliper, . . . sometimes even a bit lighter, say for a slim ladies belt. But that is the area I shoot for if I know the guy is going to be packing iron on the belt I made. And if he is in the 50+ market area, . . . I'll make it a tad thicker, . . . lotsa real estate to cover with only one belt :cowboy:

The one I have on right now (and have worn so long I don't remember how old it is), . . . measures at .250, . . . has some stains, . . . some scratches, . . . and a lot of character rubbed into it.

May God bless,


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Double 8 is 1/4 inch. When your partner or your buddy is backing you up and you're going where you probably shouldn't, I want his hand around quarter inch of leather, not my jacket .


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I currently CC with a single layer of 8oz...so.....it can be done, but I wouldn't sell it for CC. As soon as I can i'm making a new one with a minimum thickness of 12oz (two 6's double or a 8oz backed with 4oz). It will last longer, resist stretch, and be more comfortable.

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Thank you all for the advice. I am a newbie so I am learning as I go. My intent was to use this very nice barrel dyed 12 ounce leather unreinforced. One of the guys at Tandy said I could glue a lighter strip on without stitching (no sewing machine). Any thoughts on this?

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I'm on the fence with using only glue. it would work for a dress belt I imagine where there isn't much stress and it's more for looks. Carrying a firearm is going to put more stress on a belt that will make it pull and stretch differently. Glue, IMHO, is only temporary. Hence, if it gets glue, i stitch around the edge.

Now if my britches were falling off and I was forced to make a decision, I'd just go with the single ply 12oz. Hope this helps

I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV lol, so go with your best judgement.

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