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These both went out today. The guitar strap carvings were a first for me, never been asked to put mushrooms and lightning bolts on a guitar strap. Oh well, long as they pay. Both are made from Hermann Oak. The sheath is lined with pigskin split.










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nice work Chief and interesting combo but if that's what they want, they should be happy with it

  • Members

That is a great looking knife sheath. The strap is also nice. Carving is well done.


nice work Chief and interesting combo but if that's what they want, they should be happy with it

Yep, if they're paying, they get to decide what goes on it. He said the Mushrooms were from the Allman Brothers Band and the Lightning Bolt is from the Greatful Dead. He never did say what the rose was for. He provided the graphics, I just carved them on the strap.

Nice job chief.

On the guitar strap, is that a Hi-Liter or did you wax it?

Thanks Thor, it is Highlighter (Chestnut Tan), then it is conditioned with Feibings Aussie and then two coats of Resolene (50/50).

That is a great looking knife sheath. The strap is also nice. Carving is well done.

Thanks Rohn.

  • Members

What is the stain on the knife sheath? Great color job! What did you sell it for?


What is the stain on the knife sheath? Great color job! What did you sell it for?

The stain is Tandy Professional Water Stain Brown, the sheath sold for $49.95, the strap $69.95, thanks.


  • Members

Thanks. seems like it has more of a red to it. that is interesting.

  • Members

Really love the shroom and lightning! :D

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