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I have 2 granddaughters, twins that are 2 and a half. Their Father is an ASC Master Mechanic. I mention this because they are always playing with plastic tools and "fixing" things. The other day, while they were over here, they decided to "fix" Pop-Pop's Boss. I was presented, quite proudly, with the stitch adjustment screw, "Here Pop-Pop, I fixed it". :bawling:

I hugged her and thanked her and reminded her that she was not supposed to play with Pop-Pop's sewing machine. Finally had a chance to look at it today and its missing the spring, washer and stop that normally sit behind the screw. Anyone had any experience with this part of the Boss. Its 4 years old and worked flawlessly until now. Without the additional parts it will only do 4 SPI. And movement on the screw causes the needle to hit the shuttle mechanism.

Is this something I could easily fix, if I had the parts or should I send it to Tippman?


How could I get mad at someone this cute?

Edited by mlapaglia
  • Members

Yes, you are right! Grand-daughter's are the greatest! I have a few. I can tell you that you will always love them. As for your Boss, you can order the parts separately from Tippman.



Love your story.

When my youngest son was about 2, he came upstairs to the kitchen and handed his mom a number of screws. Where did you get these screws from. He took her to the basement stairway and showed her he had taken most of the screws out of the stair handrail. Anytime I went out to the garage, he would say where's dad going and be trying to get his shoes on to follow me.

When I was about 2 to 3 years old, we lived in a house with no electricity. The wringer washer was powered by a little gasoline engine. One day I handed my mom a couple bolts I had taken out from under the washing machine.

Kids that are hands on mechanically inclined will find ways to take things apart with or without the right tools.

I have 8 grandkids now. Some of them are following this tradition.


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I have fond memories of our youngest daughter helping with the computers.

We had just gotten a new Mac system in 1986. I knew next to nothing about any computer. Spent three months teaching myself to program etc.

I had finished a very complicated data base for our business. Went into the office to find a two year old changing the names of the different programs.

My heart sank to the floor until I asked her what she had done. She promptly showed me....

She is a very accomplished Graphic Artist now.



Well I called Tippman and ordered the parts. Shipping was more than the cost of the parts :)

Installed them today and it works great. I love my Boss.

As for mechanically inclined grand kids. The girls father is a Master Mechanic and they have their own set of play tools that they use to help Daddy. Like my kids did, this girls will grow up knowing how to fix anything.

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