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Board To Put In The Bottom Of Leather Bags ?

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Hi Everyone,

My question is really one about what people use in the base of the leather bags they make ? I was using a base board , about 2 mill thick, made form a sort of compressed card, it would be very hard to bend this etc. My supplier has gone out of business and I really don't know where i can get such product again.

Any suggestions would be most welcome and helpfull!

A Struggling rookie,


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I actually use bag stiffener from Tandy for situations like this. It's not cardboard, but it's not overly thick either. So if I need more structure, I use leatherweld to glue multiple layers together. Then sandwich that between layers of leather glued and sewn in place. Works great.

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The compressed cardboard you refer to may also be referred to as "millboard" or "grey board" - probably available from a paper supplier, usually comes in a variety of thicknesses from 06mm through to about 4mm.

SmokeyPoint - Is the bag stiffener a thin plastic?


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No, it looks to be some form of fibrous material with a better bonding agent than cardboard. I honestly don't know what it's made of, but it doesn't swell with a water-based glue like card stock would.

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I agree, try the bag stiffner from tandy, I use it for many things besides a stiffner, makes for great patterns too.

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Do you/can you sew through the bag stiffener? Or, do you put you stitches along the edge? Not sure if you sew thru it or around it?

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Do you/can you sew through the bag stiffener? Or, do you put you stitches along the edge? Not sure if you sew thru it or around it?

There is a guy who demos sewing through plywood on a 441 clone on youtube,.....

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I don't sew the bag stiffener on my portfolios, I sew around them, so I didn't know the answer to the question. So, I found a scrap piece and gave it a try. My Cowboy 3200 punched right through it like it was leather. I suspect that it would dull the needles faster than leather, but that's just a suspicion.


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