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So I am about 2 weeks deep in my Cowboy 3200. I've sewn a lot, and learned a ton so far. I am not neccesarily having any issues, but how often do you guys change needles? I just didn't want it to be a case of I think it's okay, until I put in a new needle and everything gets better.

Thanks for the help guys, Josh

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I have no experience of the heavier leather sewing machines, but in the domestic sewing world, it can be quite normal to change the needle at the end of each project. It's almost the first thing you are told on sewing forums "change the needle".

Of course, there's a big difference between the needles of a Singer 99K, and a Cowboy 3200, but it won't harm to experiment by popping a new needle in.

Needles are the cheapest part of the whole machine to replace, and it can also cause the biggest problems.

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I keep using them until they bend or break. If i'm stitching and the thread shreds, I will check needle for any nicks on point. If I feel anything, I rub it on sand paper till smooth and get back to sewing!



I have been able to run with the same needle for months in some cases (and A LOT of hockey gloves are sewn during that time) without difficulty. I do however use nothing but titanium coated needles, and I think that contributes to their longevity.

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The general rule is to replace after every 8 hrs of use. Using the needle until it breaks just isn't worth it to me. Things like fraying/breaking thread, skipped stitches, etc can happen when the needle is dull.

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I have the operators change them twice daily. But that's about normal in a factory.

For leather work, change it when it's getting dull. You can compare a "scratch test" on a piece of hard leather, I've always used the top side of a fingernail. It's something you develop a feel for.

Regards, Eric

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We use chisel point needles in our machines and sew new leather 99 percent of the time. Thread is usually 277 and do not change out the needles until they develop a burr or hit a furniture nut while making holsters so sometimes we go for months without changing a needle.We have 3 machines and 2 of them get used a solid 4 hours a day.

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