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Just what the title says...to all! Thanks for your time, input and interest in all that goes forth here in the Leatherworker forums.

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Thank you, HockeyMender and same back-atcha. Merry Christmas to all our members.

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Merry Christmas my friends.

Regards, Eric

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I second this post on this day of Christmas. The Leatherworker is a great example of people ( leather workers and sewing people) working together to help educate and promote the skills of sewing and sewing machine knowledge in general. There was nothing like it 40 plus years ago when I started out. As I tell people, experience is something you can only do two things with: "Share it or take to the grave." As I get closer to retirement, I prefer to share it!


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Love this site and appreciate everyone who contributes. I hope 2016 is as fruitful as '15. Thanks to all!


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