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Where Can I Get A Handle For This Stamp?

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I'm in love with this beautiful unicorn Midas stamp, I've been told it's out of production.

Where can I get a handle for this online?

It has a 1cm plain, circular opening on top.

Thanks in advance


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BeUnico, look at either die ledermacher.de or lederkram or rickert werkzeug. All are great websites I use. They will probably have what you're seeking, posting will be less expensive than from America and relatively fast from Germany.

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Thank you Hondoman and Thor. I don't seem to find

much from Italian sellers but I'll try that first.

Thanks for the links x

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Is the back of the stamp flat? If so make your own. My first handle was made from a 6" piece of pipe threaded on both ends.

I used two brass caps with flat tops - one to pound and one to attach the stamp using double faced tape. Worked great.

I still have it. see attachment.


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Posted (edited)


Edited by BeUnico
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The back is in the photo attached. That's an idea that didn't dawn on me... Could get my OH to sort out something similar for me. Thanks!


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The back is in the photo attached. That's an idea that didn't dawn on me... Could get my OH to sort out something similar for me. Thanks!


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A Tandy hefty handle will fit that stamp. I have ordered online from this company before. http://www.ivan.tw/index.php?route=product/product&cid=12. Or take a piece of pipe and cut the end like the end shown so the notches in the pipe fit over the supports bracing the circle. http://www.ivan.tw/index.php?route=product/product/detail&id=10618

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Thank you all for the help 👍🏼😊

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