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So, I'm trying to saddle stitch a chequebook holder kit I bought from Tandy....

The long edge of the holder has 36 holes, as does the liner. The pocket that holds the chequebook has only 33! :o

What do I do? Spent over an hour last night trying to figure it out, and having to go back and rip out my stitches....

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[siiiigh...]  Okay, I just realized what happened here is MY fault!

I ASSumed the long side of the piece of leather would be the bottom edge of the project, and the slightly shorter edge would be the sides.

Guess what?? I ASSumed wrong!!

The shorter side is the bottom edge, and matches up with the pocket (33 holes).

The only way I can fix this would be to get a thin piece of lining leather and make my own pocket to match...

The worst part of it is I made TWO of these chequebook holders, and did BOTH OF THEM the same way!


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Absolutely, I've have done similar things! Just last night I dyed an item I'm making for a buddy THE WRONG COLOR! One thing I can promise - I'll NEVER stop making mistakes. Anymore, I bang my head on the table just once, decide if there's a reasonable and easiest way to fix it, then either do so or start over. It can be frustrating, but I try to just take it in stride and keep going.

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The fix for everything, dye it black* lol I did that the other day myself. For some reason I was thinking I was supposed to make something in dark brown, turns out is was supposed to be black. I did 2 coats of black and was good to go.


*Obviously only works if it was dyed any color but black to start

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I just made a card holder and put the initials on upside down! Did the same with the first belt I made! Live and learn.


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1 hour ago, Bigfoote said:

I just made a card holder and put the initials on upside down! Did the same with the first belt I made! Live and learn.


LOL. That reminds me - On the first wallet I made, for myself a few years ago, I stamped my initials upside down too. I still carry that wallet everyday. It's been at least 3 years and looks like it could last 10 more. I kind of wish it would wear out, so I'd have more of a reason to make myself a new one.

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 LOL, well It's a good reminder, them dang hand made leather goods just never seem to wear out. I use all the stuff I make errors on, just can't bring myself to throw them out. 

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a "Wall of Shame" in my shop. I nail items I mess up to it. If I'm not careful I'm going to need taller walls. On the up side I use it to help me slow down. If I'm making a belt I look at the belts on the wall and tell myself "Don't do that again"

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I almost did the same thing to a roper wallet from Tandy when i started, it took me a little while to figure out before but i did it before i started tooling.  I even managed to screw that one up when I was stitching I managed to put it together upside down.  

  • 2 weeks later...

OMG! Thanks, I thought I was the only one. Feeling much better about myself now.

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