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Ok its not a Sewing Machine, but what is it?

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Ok, yes it's not a sewing machine, but you all have vast knowledge, so I am asking.  What is this game table called and have you seen one before?  I consider myself talented at searching the internet, but I cant find any other example of this game?  It's not a "pinball table", it's not a "pool table", its like a bagatelle game but with 2 players?  The balls go up and smack then drop through the pins and land in the point slots?  I am sure one of you will know! Thanks

Edited by Yetibelle

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There appears to be a wheel missing ( as there was on the one we had when I was a child ), if I recall correctly, I was told that it was for catching young ducks..

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I agree, it appears to be a billiards based pinball.   The balls fired using a billiards cue at either side, and points scored by whatever slot at the bottom the ball ends up in.  I believe the  four round 'stumps' should be open holes.   Traps the ball could fall into, hense the catch box under the table.

As a child, I think I remember we had a mini version of this, but we used marbles.

Edited by LumpenDoodle2

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