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How to make a stainless steel or

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Kydex lined belt.  Or the musings of a fledgling leather maker.

i was asked several times if I offered belts that were lined when I had been offering the standard 16oz belt as a gun belt.  So I figured if I wanted to be able to compete with the big guys I was going to have to expand my line of products, now mind you I am a newbie in every sense of the term.  It was just a little over a year ago that I came to this website and was asking what machine, what thickness of thread, so on and so forth was I going to need in order to compete and produce a product that people would want to buy.

So I started to look in to what I would need outside of the leather and glue, and I do use barges glue.  I usually start by skiving the toe and heal of both pieces of 8ox leather down to a thickness that will allow for a comfortable fold for the buckle, and the toe so that when it is fed through the buckle it won't have an unsightly bulge.  I need to digress here for a moment, regardless of the use of kydex or stainless it gets glued on to one side of the pieces of leather.  I will usually let that set up before moving on, although it won't be long afterward that I will glue on the other have of the belt.

Now I will say that using 060dex presents more of a challenge than the 030 stainless because of the you guessed it ( thickness ), the thickness of the Dexs makes it more of a challenge to seal the edges up on than the stainless, let me remind you here that I am the dreaded newbie so I have struggled to get my edges perfect.  As I mentioned earlier it was just a little over a year ago that I was full of questions, now I am working with a Cobra 4 and getting better everyday but that is in part due to everyone here, I hope the photos can be viewed ok.


thanks to all who have helped me learn at a rapid pace, and of course my photos are to large to post so I will be back with them shortly


Edited by OLDNSLOW

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Ok I'm stumped I ran my photos through an editor and resized down to 800 pixels and they still won't post what's up with that?  Who can help?



Edited by OLDNSLOW

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to some it may not matter to others hope it helps

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Well Ron, I had problems getting photos to work with this new system also. So you are not alone.

And I must say, I'm also stumped.

 I'm not sure if you are asking a question, or trying to show a method you are using.

Either way from your photos and explanation I'm not following  what you are getting at.

Maybe,,, others here are having the same problem as I am.



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I have found that if I mistakenly try to download too large a file, meaning more than 1.46mb it then continues to to treat all other files as too big. I found it best to go back to forums then return to the message. The message wording is not lost it comes back again, and then you can put in the smaller file size OK.

Hope that makes some sense. Regards Brian

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I might have worded some of it wrong it was just some ramblings of making a lined belt

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