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Singer 78-1 vs 111w155

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I could only tell you what google tells me - guess you have seen this Video already. It explains a lot.



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The 78-1 is like a 31-15 only it's a needle feed only.It's a good machine until you need certain parts like feed parts, or feet which have been discontinued.We do have the standard feet in stock along with a welt foot.It was made for sewing leather coats,canvas & upholstery.

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Perhaps it's just semantics, but I am curious why the 78-1 would not be classified as a Top + Needle feed machine? Both top inner foot and needle clearly feed the material.

The 31-15 is a bottom-only feed machine, right?

Edited by Uwe

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Correct Uwe. The 31-15 is just a bottom feeder. I have one in my leather shop in Burton, Mi. It is not able to use thread sizes over #69 though. I use it mostly with serger thread spools for tailoring and alteration jobs on light cloth. A 78-1 would be an interesting machine for a shop that does a wide variety of work, like we do at R&W.

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“Singer 78-1 vs 111w155 - how these machines are different?”

Hi Yetibelle.  They compare about like apples and oranges.  I have both types, and while they’re not those exact machines (mine are Singer 111W153 & 78-3), I don’t see either one replacing the other.  While they can both do some tasks about the same, neither one can do all of the tasks that the other does.  If you have the chance to snag a 78-1, I don’t think that you’ll be stuck with two machines that do the same thing, if that is your concern.

CD in Oklahoma


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