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Coba 4 3D Printed Tool Box

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I got a Cobra 4 this past year and it has been a great machine, a buddy was over and I was helping him repair a rebreather and he noticed my Cobra 4 had a small table and nowhere to put any tools I was working on.


So he printed me up this little toolbox after taking some measurements of the things I use while sitting at it, plus a place for quick changing bobbins. Came out so great figured I'd post to let some other folks I know who use this great machine what might be possible with some imagination and printing it yourself or knowing somebody who can do it for you.

Pic One

Pic Two

Pic Three

Edited by BitterBeard

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That's cool!


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very well done, takes 2 hole spaces and turns it to way more space, if he is will to make other please post it along with cost.


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There are no bolts, he made little pressure clamps in both holes and it just fits in snug.

I'll ask him how much he'd charge to reproduce what I have, and post back.

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Everyone should have a 3D printer, and learn about cad drawing, and g code.   The fun of drawing out a neccessary 'thing', then printing it out yourself is just so much fun.


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I have thought about it but have not looked into cost of the 3d printers as of late, and of course when the demand drops so will the price.

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I've been looking at 3-D printers for awhile, and giving some thought to making my own RepRap printer:  http://reprap.org/wiki/RepRap


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You can contact this expertise 3D printer here



Think he said 30 shipped in the continental states.

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question about this, I went to the addy to posted above and it looks like there is a large data base sort of set up where there is more than 1 person on there offering their 3d printing services so how would we know that we are contacting the guy that did your tray?  I signed up and sent a message but not sure it is going to the person you know, please help out with that a bit.


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14 minutes ago, OLDNSLOW said:

question about this, I went to the addy to posted above and it looks like there is a large data base sort of set up where there is more than 1 person on there offering their 3d printing services so how would we know that we are contacting the guy that did your tray?  I signed up and sent a message but not sure it is going to the person you know, please help out with that a bit.


I found this 3D printer Michael, trying to find a resolution to my project, he happens to live near me(you can search by that) and we've become good friends. Long as you are signed up and click on 'Contact this Hub' from the link I provided he should get it.

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