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You got some leather tools in the mail

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The title is a quote from my  bride over the phone.     

I asked her how she knew I had gotten leather tools, she said the envelope smelled like the Tandy store!

i asked if it was from Tandy, she said nope, but it smells like leather, what did you buy?

I may have to get a PO box soon! :rofl:

Oh, almost forgot, it's a new swivel knife.  She didn't understand that changing blades was a PITA so I ordered a new one.  Makes sense to me...

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Sounds just like my wife! She can't understand "necessary" tools but all these little online boutiques around here love her. Always something new in the mail from those. 

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I never, ever question what shows up on the doorstep, and she didn't bat an eye when 3000 lbs of Gorton vertical mill showed up in the garage 

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Hehe, I always get the "what did you order now!?" 

Me:"Oh I got this tool for this reason because I'm making this thing and it requires said tool"

Her:"I don't know what any of that means" 

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3 hours ago, 480volt said:

I never, ever question what shows up on the doorstep, and she didn't bat an eye when 3000 lbs of Gorton vertical mill showed up in the garage 

Now, that is the best way to do things.  

I have the advantage that my husband is not allowed to buy on the interweb.   The whole paying on line thing is just way beyond him, and being a typical man, he doesn't really do the 'checking out prices first' thing.   Too much distraction by 'shiny objects' to realise he's being fleeced.

So, if he wants a new toy for his hut, I check it out, and get the best deal on it.   This means that I know exactly how much is being spent, and don't feel guilty about spending on the really neccessary stuff.

I still get the "what have you bought now" when the postie's been, but I've still got a lot of leeway to make up for the planer/thicknesser 'thing' he really, really needed to buy a couple of weeks ago.

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