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First Post, Pretty Clueless

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Just thought I would introduce myself. I am just beginning to get into some feeble attempts at leatherwork. I am waiting on my first order from Springfield Leather Company. My initial primary interest is some archery related stuff since I enjoy shooting a longbow. Later I want to try and make some moccasins. I expect most of my work to be stitching for now. I have been doing a ton of reading and video watching and have someone giving me their personal insights as I move along. I have also been lurking here for a couple of weeks and have learned a lot that way as well.


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Welcome!  Hope you learn a lot here.  Ask questions.  We all started from zero so don't feel shy.  When you complete a project and want feedback, make sure to post pictures of it.  Most here are helpful and kind.

Good luck!

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Welcome aboard. Most of us regulars learned from others here.

We have some really knowledgeable folks around here. 

If you made your first order and it was at Springfield, then I guess you have been doing your reading.

Good luck.

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welcome to the show and a lifetime of learning ahead of you!

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I'm a longbower (is that a word?) too. There is a section for archery stuff in the forums  and I may have a pattern or two if you need something. I do my my patterns and have them in digital format.

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Welcome - looking forward to seeing your first projects!


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Instinctive, thanks for the pattern offer. For now though the first couple of items I have in mind will be copies of stuff I have and really like that don't seem to be available any more. I will keep your offer in mind for the future though.

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