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Hello all. Does anyone here know where in the world I might be able to buy a looper (part #95967) for my Singer 91K5 glove sewing machine. I know that this is probably an impossible quest, but I thought I'd throw it out here anyway. Thanks!


Depending on where you are based, do you want to go international, where have you tried? So many questions that might assist with getting an answer for you.

I am sure you will find, the more you share, the luckier you will be!

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Try Ralph's in Denver, Colorado.  That bought a lot of discontinued parts that Singer was getting rid of.


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Posted (edited)

Also, I would see about getting the part made.  They can 3D a part out of stainless steel, bronze, aluminum, copper, titanium and other metals today.  Really quite amazing what can be built today with 3D printers.


Edited by shoepatcher
missed something
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Thanks for the helpful suggestions folks. I will try anywhere in the world to get this part. I have tried most of the US parts supplier's and the folks in the UK, but not Ralph's. I'll give them a call tomorrow so thanks much for that lead. Also, I'm trying to source a local machinist, gunsmith, or anyone else that may be able to make the part. No luck so far. The looper is tiny as it has to fit into the top of the very narrow post. I was using this machine for the first time on a table set up with a Consew servo motor. Something went wrong with the motor speed control and it ramped up to full speed which the 100+ year old machine just couldn't handle. The needle torqued and rammed down into the looper and, of course, the rest is history. Needless to say, I will never trust another Consew motor.

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Have you thought about trying to get a looper from one of these Chinese glove machines, and seeing if it might fit, or at least be adapted ?

The Chinese often copy and modify existing designs for their sewing machines, and who knows, maybe the looper is the same -                         Stranger things have happened ........


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Thanks for the suggestion Trash Treasure. I have started reaching out to a few of the Chinese manufacturers. No luck so far, but one never knows.


  • 3 years later...
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I know this was a couple of years ago, but I was able to buy parts for a Singer 91K6 that was damaged in shipping, coming in from overseas from NewBerry Knitting 518 355 1630. Address is 1420 Curry Rd. Schenectady, NY 12306.

Glenn Miller a hockey glove restorer gave me the lead.

  • 5 months later...
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If there is a manual for how to use other than the parts manual for this sewing machine, would you please upload it?

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Should I use only 46X1 needles for 91k5?
Are there any replacement needles I can use?

  • 3 weeks later...
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Posted (edited)
2021. 4. 18. 오전 7시 9분에 InTheMist님이 말했습니다.

전 세계적으로 알고 있던 NewBerry 뜨개질 518 355 1630에서 배송 중 파손된 Singer 91K6을 알게 되었습니다. 주소는 1420 Curry Rd. 스케넥터디, NY 12306.

글렌 밀러(Glenn Miller) 하키 글러브 리스토어러가 나에게 브리드.

Can I get the looper part number 95967?

Edited by ddiuni
  • 2 weeks later...
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On 2018. 3. 20. at 오전 12시 19분, humanshoes said:

모두들 안녕. 여기 누가 내 Singer 91K5 장갑 재봉틀용 루퍼(부품 번호 95967)를 어디에서 구입할 수 있는지 알고 있습니까? 불가능한 퀘스트인 건 알지만 어쨌든 여기서 던지고 싶다는 생각이 들었다. 감사 해요!

Can you please tell me how to connect the thin sewing machine 91k6 thread.

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On 10/10/2021 at 4:44 AM, ddiuni said:

If there is a manual for how to use other than the parts manual for this sewing machine, would you please upload it?


On 10/15/2021 at 5:03 PM, ddiuni said:

Should I use only 46X1 needles for 91k5?
Are there any replacement needles I can use?


On 11/1/2021 at 12:26 PM, ddiuni said:

Can I get the looper part number 95967?


7 hours ago, ddiuni said:

Can you please tell me how to connect the thin sewing machine 91k6 thread.

You are hijacking an old topic from 2018. The original poster has been inactive for almost a year. Rather than hijacking this old topic,  you should start your own topic about the machine in question. Perhaps you will get some help then. List the machine or machines you need help with, and where you are located. You need to update your profile to show that you are in Korea. I am locking this topic now.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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