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Hi everyone.

Here are a couple of billfolds I am doing. The first one Is finished and I am having a brain cramp trying to figure out how to dye the unfinished fish billfold. Do I use acryllics and antique over it or go natural or what?

I'm open for Ideas. Karl





  • Members

Excellent! How do you design the other side, the billfold inside? I make it for credit cards and notes-bill, and sometimes nature with antique and sometimes black dye and I paint with acrylics. I don´t know the outcome with the new the eco-flo of tandy.

  • Ambassador
Posted (edited)

WoW i just love that fish it realy looks as if its poping out of the water and so alive, i remember a wile back a topic about two bucks stomping in the water and how hard it was to get the water affect but you got that down to a tee with the fish great job, Ive never tried this pictorial carving but seeing the great stuff that is produced on this site im going to have to give it a go my fingers are itching ...

great bilfold you managed to do a good job with the colours in the first so go for it although some times naturall does look just as good with a bit of oil, Don

Edited by Don101

very nice job on the fish!!

i would antique it a bit or use some hi-lighter and leave it alone.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Members
Posted (edited)
WoW i just love that fish it realy looks as if its poping out of the water and so alive, i remember a wile back a topic about two bucks stomping in the water and how hard it was to get the water affect but you got that down to a tee with the fish great job, Ive never tried this pictorial carving but seeing the great stuff that is produced on this site im going to have to give it a go my fingers are itching ...

great bilfold you managed to do a good job with the colours in the first so go for it although some times naturall does look just as good with a bit of oil, Don

Don, and everyone else, Sorry I haven't answered any of the replys on my post of the fish billfold, but I have been working and haven't had time to do much leather work lately, plus, about 6 months ago when I was off on sickleave from work, the Dr. also found out that I have Rhuematoid Arthritis and sometimes its a little sore to move the ole' fingers, but I'll keep in pluggin.

Here is the fish billfold I was working on and I finished dyeing it and I think it's ready to assemble.

I hope the colors come out on it o.k. cause the first time I scanned it it showed a lot of yellow that wasn't there, so here it is. Karl



Edited by karl
  • Ambassador

yup that fish is sure nice i went back and forth about 6 times as i couldnt decide what i liked best natural or with colors but decided they are both great, good job well done Don

  • 2 months later...

The fish is realy great. I just finished a belt buckle with the same large mouthe bass, although I called a cat fish when I posted it. I see several things I can do to iamprove my techue from your posting. Thanks.

  • Members

Thanks Cecil, I saw some of your pictures and belts and buckles and you're doing great. Keep up the work, You keep improving as you go on and I hope that works the same for me also, Keep up the good work and if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I will be glad to help or someone else on here is always glad to help. Karl

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