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Everything posted by MatthewD

  1. Badger.. hang in there guy... you are one hellva good guy and hope that this pain passes fast for you
  2. Bree's right golf tubes work for quivers but depending on the style, you might not even need them.
  3. I got a really cool head knife from a friend across the pond... that was one of the coolest gifts I have gotten in a while.. I really appreciate it Karl and Merry Christmas
  4. looks like dwarvish runes or German runes
  5. LOL.. now I know I might have to add this to one of my labs on chemical reactions that my class is going to do in the next semester.. along with chemical copper plating
  6. yes the reaction will speed up as you warm it Rates of Reaction will also speed up if you stir it while heating I teach chem in HS...
  7. Just wondering how you would store a piece like that during the times you were tooling up till you were done...
  8. Hey Scott, can you post a little bit bigger picture... I like the look of it but I would like to see it closer.. What type of bike to you have? Also did you use your original seat pan or make one?
  9. Nice work David... I love watching your seats come together
  10. I like it... I like the cougar now I really need to get to work on the one I was working on...
  11. I have a basket weave pattern that is from Kelly Tools in NZ that I love... does anyone have a number for them?
  12. love them.. can't wait to see more boots from you and just amazing on the first time out... you are talented
  13. I have a couple of the geometric pattern stamps and they are not cutting it on leaving a good impression...
  14. Welcome to a fellow Alabama member..
  15. Here is the logo see if this will work I have the adobe Illustrator file if you want to make changes...
  16. nice job! love the flashlight pocket
  17. Here is the pdf version of the tutorial. I hope that you don't mind Tim that I put into a PDF9_strand_flat_braid_tutorial.pdf 9_strand_flat_braid_tutorial.pdf
  18. Actually from what I understand the word "cut" has morphed into a vest for displaying your MC colors and yes the original did come from the sleeves being cut from denim jackets
  19. Thanks Randy, I will more than likely have to have some help with it...
  20. How much is considered to be a good price for a good knife, say if I found one on Ebay?
  21. thanks ya'll I guess I just need to practice more.... time to buy some cheap denim or something and just practice cutting out patterns
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