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Everything posted by MatthewD

  1. I like them.. the drop point knife looks comfortable in the hand to me..
  2. http://mmhorsehair.com/ has horse hair..
  3. Well on the up note at the Dragonlance movie... we did have to suffer through a 2 animated versions of LOTR before we got the live action, so it is possible. Also, I have seen some of the still from the movie and it does look that bad..
  4. Thanks.. I will more than likely attempt to do that when I try to make my son some lorica segmenta armor
  5. Steve love your work.. just wondering about the rolls.. what exactly are they? I was thinking map rolls but I am not sure
  6. Now that is an idea I hadn't thought of
  7. Well it is for my wife and she is going to be carrying it with her when she keeps score for our quizbowl team at different tournaments.
  8. Where would I get one of the thin plastic sheets?
  9. I was wondering what everyone uses to make the cover of a notebook stiff. I was planning on using something like poster board or another type of cardboard.. would this be a good solution?
  10. Thank you for taking the time to write this up and take some awesome pictures...
  11. That rasp looks like a Stanley Sur Form... you can get them at Home Depot or Lowes and I think that looks like the one I have that says just coarse on the package...
  12. In the latest Tandy email flier, they have this saddle skirting on sale but I am wondering if it that good of a deal so I thought I would ask if any of you have seen these up close. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/product...?number=9047-02
  13. MatthewD

    Tandy Books

    Hey Major are these close to what you saw? http://tinyurl.com/yvwn3w http://tinyurl.com/35epkn
  14. Here you go my friend http://www.knifenetwork.com/workshop/tut_pony_burrows.shtml
  15. My kids make requests also.. Please don't sing Dad.. my 9 year old will actually cover his ears..
  16. You can do some braiding with them. I showed my science classes at the end of the year how to square braid and they enjoyed doing that...
  17. I am with you Joanna... I am running out of ideas but I only have 23 till they start back.. I have actually 20 dang summer just flew this year...
  18. I like the tan and I like your work on the key fob..
  19. Peter, Could you give some insight on the better way of hardening leather armor? Please
  20. Okay CL is asking all of the questions that I have in my mind also.. and the fact I want to see some more...
  21. HOLY SMOKES awesome looking work...
  22. Shouldn't have to bad of a smell but I will do some tomorrow and give you a heads up on the smell...
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