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Everything posted by MatthewD

  1. I wish that there was a store closer to my place up in North Alabama or some of us that live close could get together and do a few things...
  2. Thanks David, I was talking about edgers... I have a dremel and I use it for sharpening other things but didn't know if I would use it for this or not... but I think I will give it a go now..
  3. I think that my bevelers have gotten dull but I am at a loss on how to sharpen them. Would anyone have a suggestion on how to sharpen them?
  4. I will have to ditto those last two remarks also..
  5. WOW!!! Kate I am even more impressed with it now.. I like the coloring on it That would make a very fancy archery arm guard if you had an archer in the family..
  6. Kate what would it take for you to do a tutorial on how you did this particular one? Or can you suggest a good video or book along this line. I really like how you did this one...
  7. I like the idea of something that is on a beginner level just because I am a beginner and it would help me a ton to be able to do some of these... I just got finished with one that I might post but personally I am semi happy with it... need to work on my tracing more than anything...
  8. Yes, Thank you Johanna.... and I truly know how much stuff you have to do.. I was an admin on another board.. just doing the account weeding is a killer week long side job after the normal 8-5 job is done
  9. They do look good and much much better than I can do.. so my hat is off to you....
  10. Thanks for all the replies.. now I will have to see if I can get over to Kinko's soon...
  11. Try here http://forums.dfoggknives.com/index.php http://swordforum.com/
  12. Clay and Chitin those both sound like good ideas.. I think I am going to try both of them and see how they work. I appreciate it, I knew when I put this up that someone here would have a great idea...
  13. Okay, I feel a bit dumb asking this one because I should know but for the life of me, I can't think if how you would do it. I just got the patterns for making quivers and other items for archery. It has the shapes of the different pieces on the pattern but I am not sure I should cut it up or not. I know with cloth patterns, you lay out your pattern on the top of the cloth and cut it out, do you do the same thing with these types of leather patterns? If so, what about where it over laps with other pieces for another pattern?
  14. Welcome.. glad to see another new face around here :D
  15. check this to see if it might help http://www.tpub.com/content/aviation/14218/css/14218_243.htm But Jim is right, the best demostration of the baseball stitch is in that particular book
  16. I promise I will post something soon Jim.. I did get my stitching tree that I was building finished this weekend..
  17. Dang Clay.. you have a serious talent when it comes to getting your carving photo realistic... I keep waiting on the skull to slip off the leather
  18. Awesome work on that one and I have to agree very life like..
  19. Very nice work.. just wondering but how did you do the texture in the middle of the spade?
  20. Thanks again Romey!!! this should help a ton
  21. Nice Work Pete.. I have a feeling that my daughter might like something like that...
  22. Lock are for the semi honest people... the professionals are going to be able to get into just about anything with just about any tool you can think of... I know I have a very pessimistic attitude about criminals at times.. but not people in general...
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