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Heavy-duty Rivet?

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I see this type of rivet used on motorcycle saddlebags. From my research, it looks like a saddlers brass rivet? But you are supposed to hammer down the stalk, right?

Please advise on rivet and tools. Thanks!



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Looks like a brass rivet. When I have done them I normally put the long rivet stem up in the hole of the setter and hammer the washer down flat onto the job. Once it is set down I cut the length down with some sharp nail pullers about 1/8" left hanging out. I then file the top to get rid of the point and round it a little then I normally hammer/peen around the head with the hammer until it is reasonably rounded mushroomed of. Then the cupped out part in the tool gets tapped around until the head looks nicely rounded. Link shows the tool and in the top right corner some of the rivets-https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/178221387/copper-rivet-burr-setter-9-and-12?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_au_en_au_b-craft_supplies_and_tools-other-other&utm_custom1=9e43c565-f8f5-410d-aa40-2a02f101d32e&gclid=CjwKCAjwsJ3ZBRBJEiwAtuvtlDI3THiIo0tJBGcAgN9R9XeAMPW0aG9S-DiL716F67AiTGUtV_7hwxoCWY0QAvD_BwE

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Post-and-burr rivets are very rarely seen on factory-made goods -- they're slow (expensive) to set. The proportions don't look quite right. I wonder if those are something similar to a "hat" rivet that you might find on a pair of jeans? They're essentially a single-cap speed rivet and often can self-pierce lighter leathers, which eliminates a manufacturing step.


For handmade items I would strongly suggest the use of proper post-and-burr/saddlers rivets in copper, brass or aluminium.

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On 6/18/2018 at 2:02 AM, Matt S said:

For handmade items I would strongly suggest the use of proper post-and-burr/saddlers rivets in copper, brass or aluminium.

Thanks for confirming. Can you recommend any videos/websites that explain the different kinds of rivets?

Is it common not to hammer the stalk flat? I noticed Saddleback leather also has rounded saddlers rivets. They also use another rivet that is hollow in the back. I'd like to be able to make an educated decision about when to use which rivet. Thanks.





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Looks like you are talking about the copper rivet - reputed to be the strongest and I believe it - there is a discussion on this thread about them and the setting tools:




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