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Yes Pablo,

Over here people hunt ostrichs as well but that changes nothing that it's a protected species and also in Argentina forbidden to hunt. They are not that much an "invasive species" since they are non competitive for nobody and no other species. They are similar to Turkeys, and have a similar food supply. Not similar regards meat but similar in relationship regards food competition to humans and other animals. Ostrichs are here many as well (I am near to Argentina) but they control Worms and even snakes. You will have an Augmentation in poisenous snake Population if you diminish ostrichs. That will cost you beef animals when they are bitten by snakes and die.

Ostrich meat is famous for being full of Worms. I guess "they are what they eat". Guanaco (Lama) we dont have here but Capibara yes.

I am sure ostrichs are an protected species in Argentina as well since we have allmost the same legislation over here (we are famous for bad copying argentinian laws).

Ministero da Fazenda is brasilian. The documents you Show there are brazilian. Are you sure you are in Argentina? The Cadastro de pessoas is that a Kind of personal ID? At least it's portuguese so no argentinian whatsoever. However the Receita Federal, as far as I know is in Charge to control smuggling and drugs. They will jail you in if they see that ostrich leather.

But as we all know, the southamerican "way of being" is to skirt the law. Over here biggest drug sellers in small cities (1000 habitants) are the very Police. Sometimes they raid some drug selling Establishments in order to get rid of competition....

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Oh, like turkeys. Lol.

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