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Some things are changing around me and it's comming to the part, where I need to carry my tools with me nearly wherever I go. I usually travel with large, 75L backpack and would like to carry my tools inthere.

List of tools I use/need with me:


-Carrot burnisher



-few stamps

- awl handle + 3 different spikes


-10 round hole punchers

-10 special punchers (end straps, half round, oblong, etc.)


- wooden hammer/mallet. I prefer hammer, but mallet is smaller.

-folding utility knife


-Edge Groover

-1,2,4,6 prongs

-15cm or 6" thin metal ruler


would like to carry few doubers aswell, while I will sort 45 different rivets in small PVC zip lock bags, aswell as dyes for them.

Threads and dyes will have to carry somehow aswell, but I'm concerned about spilling them.


Anyone has any idea, what kind of bag would be great for this?


All I could think of for now, is a bag simmilar to this:



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Hmm. It has to close down and be packed in a backpack. More likely a satchel or something..that can be carried in a backpack or single aswell.

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I think; divide up your tools into similar types, eg all the punches, all the sewing items, then make tool rolls for them. Make simple drawstring bags for the rivets and tuck them into a pocket in the tool roll


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Hmm. Yes, I've been thinking about that too but except hole punches(also prongs) and stamps, there is no other simmilar items. All different. Various sizes and shapes. Some tools are even without handles. It's difficult to do something as that.

About rivets, tucking all the PVCziplock bags in the drawstring bag = clever. That's something I'd do.

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Search the Internet for 'tool bag' and 'tool roll'. There are lots of different types available

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Right now I’m working on a steamer trunk to keep all my tools dyes, finishes, paints and some of my hides in. Though I’m a long way from even starting really the thought has been in my head for a few months. Maybe you can do all the design work for me?

:bike:  :rofl:

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We're not in the same cart now :bike:
I'm looking for everything else than what you've said.

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