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keeping the leather smell

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When case my veg tan leather it smells so nice. but by the time I case several times then dye, finish and polish, the piece looks great but the leather smell  is gone and it smells like chemicals and glue! what to do to keep that great smell?

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I have found,  just from my own experience, that the smell of the dyes , sealers  , adhesives etc. do go away after a while,  with just the lovely aroma of the leather remaining. But that doesn't last long either. But I have also noticed,  that when customers  come to my workshop or stall, the first thing they say is, "*sniiiiiif*  mmmmm....a'hhhh... I love the smell of leather" ( sure wish I had a dollar for every time they said that) ....but I can't smell it. I've become so use to it , with  the  brief exception of perhaps the first thing in morning when I open my workshop door. 


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I've had people sniff a new article that was finished with neat lac.  Then tell me how much the love the smell of leather!  All they are smelling is the lacquer fumes!  Maybe it reminds them of sniffing glue.


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