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  • Ambassador

what is the best way to stitch a poject that requires extra thread? If I do a project that uses 2 needles and I only want to work with , say, 6 feet at a time, how do I "splice "the next section????? Do you tie a knot, back stitch, ???



yes... tie it off and start the new thread 3 or so holes back

  • Ambassador

Do I tie a square knot and pull it evenly into the center and start 2-3 holes back as you said? Doesn't the square knot make a bulge when I go through the same hole again?


  • Contributing Member

Pete. Tie your square knot over the edge of the job. As the others have said then start the new run a few stitches back. When the job is finished the thread and any knots over the edge you have tied are snipped of. I then use a round awl and push the remnants of the threads I have snipped off back down into the work. When stitching thru holes that already have stitches (back stitching etc) be CAREFUL shoving your awl in. A sharp awl blade can cut the stitches already there.


what is the best way to stitch a poject that requires extra thread? If I do a project that uses 2 needles and I only want to work with , say, 6 feet at a time, how do I "splice "the next section????? Do you tie a knot, back stitch, ???



If there's a Bible on hand stitching it Stohlman's "The Art of Hand Sewing Leather." (scroll down the page aways)

It has excellent illustrations, 10,000 words there, and like all of his work it's excellent, and it's inexpensive, about 10 bucks. If I were to make a list of must have leatherworking books it would be right at the top of my list. I've seen used copies for a couple of bucks on Amazon and HalfPrice. If you can't afford it right now email me off list and I'll try to make some copy for you. ... You're not the copyright police are you? ... lol!

'til later,


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