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Hello all - I have a Durkopp Adler 767-FAS-573 equipped with a Mitsubishi Limiservo X B series control and motor.  It has a Mitsubishi XC-CL-2 foot lever unit.  Here’s what’s happening:

i went to change the auto backtack from two stitches to three.  The machine was working fine.  I made the backtack change and the presser foot no longer lifts at the end of the stitch or with partial backtreadle (programmed to go needle down, presser up).  


At full back treadle it does the end backtack and the thread trim cycle and the presser foot lifts momentarily when the thread trims.  Therefore I know the pneumatic valve for the presser foot lift is getting signal and actuating.

I reassigned the partial back treadle to the backtack cycle and forward treadle to foot lift.  Partial back treadle worked properly on the backtack cycle, full forward did nothing.  So I know the foot switch isn’t faulty.  I reassigned the functions to as before and they work with the exception of foot lift.

I looked at the locked out functions.  Foot lift is turned on.  Should work.  Doesn’t.

I did a factory reset of the control.  Foot lift still isn’t functioning.  Everything else works.

I sent the control to a company who specializes in Mitsubishi controls out of NC with this info.  I think they just did a factory reset and shipped it back, but they confirmed that the control is functional, no burnouts on the board.  Still no foot lift.

clearly the backtack pattern is the issue... changed it back, still no presser foot lift.


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Posted (edited)


Where are you located?  If in the states, call MJ Foley.  They are the largest Juki dealer in the country and sell Mitsubishi motors.  Very knowledgeable on them.  Call 1-586 948 6070 and ask for technical assistance.


Edited by shoepatcher
wrong number
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Posted (edited)

I work a lot more with Efka motors, but I also do a bit with the Mitsubishi as well Sean at Electronic Services is very good, we use them as well.  

I know that you know the signal is working, but I normally would do a signal test anyway to make sure the foot lift is working, and connected to the correct output.  Page 83 in the instruction manual does this.

To set the parameters at the end of the seam (they call it after thread trimming), check out function settings for FUM and FU on page 47.

Check page 49 as well, function setting FL to make sure this is enabled for full heel back foot lift.

Last, on page 50, check the S3L setting for half heel back foot lift while in seam (they call this light heel back here).  

As I glance over this, many of these setting are set to OFF at time of delivery.  

Mitsubishi Limiservo X B Series With Control Box Instruction Manual


Edited by Gregg From Keystone Sewing
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Edit - I had the wrong limiservo type.  Correct is XC-FMFY-20-05


so I went through all the FUM, FU, etc.  I followed the trouble shooting guide I found in the downloads from MJ Foley.  I reverified the solenoid is functional, but I also verified that while signal S3 goes signal F does not.  But I can’t find where signal F is set other than in the key areas Gregg mentioned above.

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So that is on page 79 in mode E.  When I full back pedal S3 goes off to on.  F stays off.  Advice?  I think F is what I need to go on for proper foot lift.

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Posted (edited)

I've done this before myself and maybe this is where you are at as well;

Check to make sure you have the solenoid connected to the correct pins.

See attached, it's easy to confuse the Foot Lift OUTPUT with the INPUT.  


Edited by Gregg From Keystone Sewing
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I will double check that.  Of note is that I haven’t changed any plugs or board connections.  I stopped working when I got into the settings menus to change my backtack pattern which is why I think I must of accidentally messed up a setting somewhere.  

I appreciate everyone’s help on his.  I had to laugh that someone was looking at a potentially full function Adler as their first machine and the comment about frustrations of controls on full functions was made.  They are great for production work but my all mechanical juki takes the prize for one off work simplicity!

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Troubleshooting notes:

I jumpered the foot lift signal on the circuit board directly from the -FL to the common and the solenoid actuated and the foot lifts.

I disconnected the lever and jumpered pin 1 to pin 4 which is assigned to S3 and nothing happens.  I jumper pin 1 to pin 2 and the machine runs, pin 1 to 3 and it trims.

i confirmed in C mode that foot lever pin 4 is matched with signal II and closes S3.

i also note that the presser foot lifter input is vacant on my controller.  IF is assigned to signal F in the C mode menu.


So I’ve ruled out the solenoid and the foot switch as the errors once again.  And the programming seems to be correct.  Could there be a setting that is disabling the foot lift?


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