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2 Layer belt question

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I'm making a western cartridge belt, about 8 oz with 3 oz liner.  I sewed it up but when I bent it into a circle (like when being worn) there are a few wrinkles on the liner from being crunched.  I'm wondering what to do.

1. Glue liner to main belt.

2. Wet belt and wrap around a barrel and let the liner dry and conform to shape.

3. Something else.

4. Nothing, with time the liner evens out?

And...if I use glue, what glue?  Tandy Leather weld? It is water based- not sure it is waterproof?

Edited by Davm

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Any time you put two layers together, they are going to oppose each other.  That's a good thing..it is the point.  Like plywood.. stronger than wood of the same thickness because layers are pulling each other into alignment, holding each other in position.

DOWNSIDE is... your wrinkles.  Unless your belt is going to always be in that (curved) position, one side of the other is going to get compressed.  This also happens with UNLINED items, it's just less visually obvious due to "suede" side texture.  Why you think "store bought" belts come with a "wrinkle" finish? ;)

So the question becomes.. WHERE do you want the wrinkle?  Personally, if there has to he cosmetic issues, I want them on the INSIDE, where they are not seen until the belt comes off.  If you make the belt on a curve -- which I did for quite a while - then straightening the belt is damaging the top for the same reason.  Not good. (NOTE:  I also don't like to see belts shipped in a box 8" x 6" for the same reason).

I do glue belts.  Generally use Barge cement, but I have more than once picked up Tanners Bond at Tandy and that works quite well.  Not sure if they're still selling that now.  Lots of folks talk about Weldwood cement, and I've been meaning to try that.  And I glue them with LITTLE curve in them - not flat, but not conforming to the waist size either.


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19 minutes ago, JLSleather said:

NOTE:  I also don't like to see belts shipped in a box 8" x 6" for the same reason).

Intriguing, how do you ship them?

I recently made a 58" waist belt and had to loosely 'roll' the belt into a 12" square box, to have any chance of posting it.




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That reminds me i must start that after Christmas diet

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