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Is it normal for a servo to be squeaky when you turn it by hand? I disconnected the belt and turned the pulley by hand to make sure it wasn’t a belt issue. It also is a bit sticky when hand turning versus when the belt is disconnected, normal as well? The servo is a Family 550S. Thanks!


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This servo has a cork brake attached to the speed lever. When you just push down on the lever the brake disengages. You are probably hearing the squeak of the brake against the clutch plate in the motor. The cork brake is screwed on and is removable, or can be sanded down, or greased to cure the noise.

If the squeak persists after the motor is spinning, this could be a bearing noise. Contact the seller.

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Like Wiz was saying, the Family FESM-550S motor has a mechanical brake.  If you want to be able to free wheel the handwheel without the break engaged, push down on the foot treadle before the motor starts to move under its own power.  From what it sounds like, your clutch break is working the way it is supposed to, unless it is making noise when it comes to a stop under normal sewing conditions.  

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I found it tricky to press just enough for clutch to disconnect and not run motor. And I don't run it that fast anyway. Removed this brake "pad" and all is well. 2 bolts, you will see it under plastic cover.

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