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The Freeze

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Anybody else see any trouble with selling / banking yesterday?  The web site wasn't working, or rather the payments weren't working, so I got checking around.  Turns out that banks and ATMs all over weren't working right.  I guess that's what -50°F does to electronic stuff?@!


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Extremes whether cold or heat always creates hell and havoc with people, animals and all types of electrical / electronic equipment. Besides that the extreme temperatures swings in a 24 hour period can be summed up this year as, gross.


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I do hope all you guys do not suffer to much from this unusual adverse cold weather.

I live in a very mild weather place and a heavy frost is enough to cause consternation!

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I really feel for you guys, thats seriously cold. But here in Oz, we've been experiencing the exact opposite. I'm in the Central Wheatbelt of Western Australia we've  had low to  high 40's for weeks on end,  and into the low 50's ( around 120+ F in your part of the world)  and in the east.  Electronics don't like the  extreme heat either. Fussy machines eh? :)  Only these last few days its been cooler, but set to warm up again soon.  

Take care,


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23 hours ago, Clintock said:

bank still working. I still ain’t getting no deposits. :wacko:

Been there.  And I don't mean once ;)


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