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How do I find that part for cylinder bed machine

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I have 2 cylinder bed machines with roller foot.They are singer 17U242 (domestic) machines.In that 2 machines the part indicates with the arrow is not present.So,to repair this machine I need to find or buy that part.So,if any of you know is it available for selling, if it is yes where I can buy that part and approximately what is the price and can I import that part to my country (sri lanka) 

Otherwise,the machines are working very well and in good condition.So,if you know about this please help meIMG_20190511_134328.thumb.jpg.4b84c8454dcb6a4e93d413a240540952.jpgddddddddddddd.thumb.jpg.8505ed992bd801454b6e6eea82826120.jpg

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check google or eBay for "Singer 17 shuttle hook"

if you can import it depends on your country customs regulations but I doubt it will be a problem. However you only find out when you check with them. Most folks here are most likely not familiar with the Sri Lanka customs regulations.

Edited by Constabulary

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Maybe worth emailing this company, it does not look like they have any, but may know a source


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Finding at least what the part is called is often quite easy in this digital age. It took me under 30 seconds to find the Simanco part number in this case:

Singer 17U242 parts manual is here: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/153917/Singer-17u230.html#manual -- the very first Google result when searching the model number. Page 2 indicates several possible part numbers for the shuttle hook.

So we look at the usual wretched hive of scum and villainry: Aliexpress. Search for "singer 17 shuttle" and we get a whole bunch of results, including this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Shuttle-Hook-use-for-Pfaff-27-55-11-28/32809846431.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6c204a932Et26O&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0%2Csearchweb201602_10%2Csearchweb201603_51&algo_pvid=4c308dcd-dad0-4371-b93c-224d80279217&btsid=cfa1ec57-3702-4a14-9d09-e55ae729c7d0&algo_expid=4c308dcd-dad0-4371-b93c-224d80279217-1

£10.06, or for an extra £3.60 to include 10x bobbins. Note that the seller claims it's equivalent to 547744 (one of the part numbers in the Singer manual) and 8028 (Seiko equiv. -- see below). Whether the bloody thing will work reliably when it eventually arrives is a different question and part of the fun of working with vintage machines.

The 17U series were, AIUI, Seiko TE machines rebadged as Singer in, I think the 1970s and 80s after Singer closed its factories. Seiko TE series is in turn a clone of the Singer 17. It's definitely an industrial machine rather than a domestic.

The Seiko TE-6 parts manual is here: http://www.seiko-sewing.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/PARTS_TE-6.pdf
Genuine Seiko shuttle hook is part num 8028, available from College Sewing for £73.  https://www.college-sewing.co.uk/store/08028-SHUTTLE-HOOK-COMPLETE-SEIKO-GENUINE

You might find that the genuine Seiko part would fit your machine, but maybe not. It would definitely be better quality.

A little tricker to fix will be your stitch length knob, which appears to be missing.

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