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Who are good stamp suppliers?

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I know you can order stamps from Tandy. Who else sells good stamps online?

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arbalet12 ( member here )


Edited by mikesc

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Check out Barry King, excellent high quality stamps 

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I have had good luck with proleathercarvers.com  it is a site owned by Jim Linnell. He is a designer and maker and also carries stamps from several other makers. I have also had good luck with steckstore.com He carries an assorted variety and because I am the kind who would rather buy ten or 15 at a time at $5.99 each and use them one time during a practice session knowing I might just find several that I really like what I can do with them and give the others away, I go there. I also have some 25 stamps from the gentleman from Bulgaria who is mentioned above. Yes, his products are very detailed and exceptional if you are looking for stamps that are very unique and designed to be used to make complete designs or backgrounders. Lately I am into tooling and carving pictures and characters and they aren't really for shaping of leather in my opinion. Hope this helps.


Edited by wydfuqnopn
because i forgot to add the final portion about the maker in Bulgaria mentioned previously

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