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wobbly needle positioner consew 1001

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Hi all

Still, trying to figure out my new machine Kobe 1341 - purchased a Consew 1001 brushless servo with needle position.

sewing just fine the needle is stopping where it should - just wondering should it be this wobbly? Linked a video of it in operation

:huh: P


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Try loosening the screws that hold it onto the handwheel and repositioning it slightly. It's wobbling because it's not centred correctly on the boss that's attached to the handwheel.

Or the boss itself isn't fitted properly (fairly unlikely, but possible) Hard to tell from the short video.

Edited by dikman

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I agree with dikman. Handwheel doesn't appear to be wobbling, I think it is the needle positioning unit either not properly centred on the machines main shaft or a fault in the positioning attachment unit itself.


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On some position sensors it takes FOREVER to get the wobble out, typically due to loose machining tolerances either on the sensor or the stud it attaches too. If this is the type of sensor that has a removable cover, then you can usually work on the wobble first, then work on the positioning by adjusting the disks inside. If it's the kind where you set the positioning by turning the senor barrel and tightening to the stud, then it's just trial and error.


Make sure the bolt that fixes the sensor body in place is not too tight. It's just supposed to keep the sensor body in place enough to not spin, but not so firm that it's fighting the attachment at the stud and making the wobble worse. 


Positioning tip: don't have the "needle down" position stopped at fully buried, at the lowest point. Needle should come back up about 1-3 millimeters before stopping so the next stitch loop has already begun, just before the hook comes around to grab it. Helps avoid missed stitches when resuming sewing. Exact height can be determined with a little experimenting

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Thank you for helping me.

update: Sewing machine working well with newly installed CSM1001 plus chain and peddle. Sewer  - Learning to use the machine and finished three bags. Pics of the machine attached.

I am trying to make a binder for my 1341 since the V-type Binder is out of production. 

What I have learned from the LW forum: Contact Kwokhing to purchase binders - KHF2, KHF3, KHF4 (depending on application).

Question: How do I attach the binder? 

Question: Should I start a new topic?



servo working well.jpg

chain attached.jpg

back view binder attachment.jpg

binder photo attaching.jpg

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