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Hi Everyone,

I know some other users have experienced this and I have made changes to my machines according to those posts but I am still getting these little dimples on the feed dog side of the leather.

I have backed off the pressure on my foot completely on my Juki 563.

It looks like the needle hole in the feed dog is making the mark/dimple. I have tried diamond and lr needles as well. 

I also rounded  out the feed dog teeth out a bit and they just barely come above the plate about half a tooth

Anything other suggestions on how to minimize this?

Thanks in advance. 


563 holes.jpg

  • Contributing Member

Use sharp needle

Use smallest plate slot possible

Use firm leather

When you've minimized much as possible, then after sewing dampen the leather and tap it flat (some prefer to use a spoon and "smooth" it flat)


Do a little light sanding along the edge of the needle plate slot. Round it a bit. other than that the right thread tension needle and thread mix should pull everything back into place pretty well. I just use a bone slicker to rub in a bit if needed.

  • Members

Thanks for everyone's advice. Stitches are looking much better. I hammered these down. still a few marks from the feed dogs but I am pretty sure I can fix that part. 


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