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Hey all,

I have a Singer 111w155 that doesn't have the green oil pad in the bobbin case ( part #241674).  Is this needed? I have found it almost impossible to find online.



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Yes it is essential for proper lubrication. However, in lieu of the original  you can easily make it yourself from wool felt material.

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IMO - no it´s not.

I also have no felt on my hook (its just missing) I put a drip of oi in the bobbin case race from time to time - no problems. On hooks of other brands there is no oil felt as well.

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they do not put them on hook anymore.  My suggestion is a drop of oil on the gib after every bobbin change.  that will work.  Used it in production for 7 years.


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For the sake of clarification and without any intention to debate other opinions, please let me just say that my approach in such cases is, if it is there it belongs there for a reason, and in a proper maintenance or restoration work if it is missing it needs to be replaced (especially when it is so easy to be done). 
Singer’s manual is self explanatory in this respect.

However, it is true that this felt has been omitted in later versions of Singer machines and is missing entirely from clone machines (Consew 225, Juki, Seiko etc) and its function can be substituted by regular manual oiling. I don’t know if it was done because they considered it un-necessary or as cost saving measure (steel parts have been also substituted by plastics in newer machines as allegedly superior maintenance and grease free components).  
The choice of replacing it or not is of course yours. I still believe though that a felt reservoir does provide a more uniform film of oil in such a high-speed rotating critical component and prevents the risk of either running it dry or splashing oil to the needle plate by overoiling it.

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Here is an image of the oil felt, and I'm not sure but like said, I don't think any of the major mfg. such as Hirose, Koban, or Cerliani use this any longer.


On 11/13/2020 at 11:25 AM, Gregg From Keystone Sewing said:


Thanks for the photo, I was having a hard time picturing it.

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