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Adler 168-273 a good buy? Or are spare parts a nightmare?

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Main question:
Here in Europe/The Netherlands I could buy a Adler 168-273 but I'm affraid that it could become (or already is?) worthless because the lack of (spare)parts.. Is my fear legit?
In my online search I couldn't find much users and/or parts for the 168 model in general. Does that mean I better stay away?
This particular model is a 3 feed twin needle(8mm/needle size110-140), post type machine with large rotary hooks and friction motor.

Secondairy question:
I would like to use it for leather car upholstery (some with piping), yachting canvas (bimini, sprayhood/dodger) and incidentically sail repair.
Is it correct to believe that a twin needle post type machine could  be quite versatile and offer me:
- room for sails (without the need of a longarm)
- possibiltiy to use it as a flatbed with the use of a extra (raised) bed on the table
- great double stitches for upholstery (double pointed seem) and yachting canvas (flat felling seam)
- could also use is with 1 needle for single stitch
Does the above points make sence? Or do I better search for a flatbed type machine like the good old Adler 267 (or something else)?


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Great machines

if it is in aan Good condition i would nog worry too Much about spare parts 

sent you aan pm in Dutch......

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Unless you can live with the same needle spacing for all jobs . Only thing you might want to check on is the pricing-$$ , of changing out different size needle gauge sets ?

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