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We've all heard the excuse (or maybe used it at one time or another)... "the dog ate my homework!"...

Well...my greyhound has developed a taste for leather, so I can't let her in the basement/shop area anymore. However, the night before yesterday, I had taken my carved leather checkbook & my stingray business card holder out of my pants & set them on the dining room table. I forgot to put them back & when I got up Sunday morning, I noticed a loose check lying on the floor, along with my money... the checkbook cover itself was missing, as was the stingray business card holder. I found chewed up cards, & she didn't do much damage to the checks & check register. Basically, she (relatively) neatly removed both items & ate everything else (she also chewed the toe plug out of one of my moccasins, too). I was royally pissed & she knew it & stayed out of my way. She IS a puppy- she just turned 2 a few months ago, & she's the nicest dog we've ever owned, so it's up to me to keep the temptations out of her way- after all, I am the superior species, she's just a dog doing doggie things that puppies do . Luckily, I had carved a cover in 2005 but never finished it, so I cut the inside parts & sewed it up on my Boss (used wide stitches, no groove cut in it to inlay the stitches- who cares- I needed it & it's for me. A bit too flowery for my taste, but, so what! It's in my pocket most of the time anyway.

Anyway, my son helped me with posting a pic of the new one.



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Ha ha great story!

Have you seen Leatheroos dog on youtube. Found that link today and we laughed whole family over this one.


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Whinewine, Hide all leather until she is 2 years old. i promise she will stop then. LOL, kimber

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Oh man. I feel for you. All that work. At least she had the best chew toy in town! Custom made.


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LOL been there i used to have a german sheperd Sadly he passed away a couple of years ago, we got him when he was around 4 years old hed been through training school with the highest scoring possible and papers to go with it, but within the first week of beeing at home he had never seen brain taned quiled tie and beaded knife sheathes before but to him it probably smelt good the same as antike holsters so he decided he would investigate a little closer and carfully removed them from the display shelves, thank god he never ate them as once he had removed them he knew he had done wrong and just left them on the flore for me to find, he didnt even break a bead or quill or damage the leather on the holsters, its funny how small a 50 killo dog can get when you explaine to them very nicely at the top of your voice in german and english (when im anoyed i star ranting in german an towards the end it all comes out in english LOL) not to do that, he never whent near the stuff again, Don

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Thats why I advocate Dog wallets. Trust me if i could make some wallets outa some of the people in my life that proverbially chew my spirit i would. I like your Sheridan carving. I'm a big admirer of that stuff. You do it well. Oh, and don;t make a wallet outa your dog.

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Another goofy thing about the dog- she loves bread. We have to keep the bread locked up. She's already stolen 3 packs of rolls, opened the packs & eaten the contents. She recently stole the roll out from under a hotdog my wife was going to eat. My wife had put a plate down with a hotdog & roll on it right in front of her, and, like the trick a magician would do by yanking a tablecloth out from under the dishes on a table without disturbing the dishes, the dog grabbed the roll from under the hotdog & yanked it out, leaving the hotdog undisturbed on the plate.

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