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joet's Blog

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A blog filled with leather doings and other aspects of my life.

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From: Robert E Lee Wip

Source: Robert E Lee Wip It's been a while since I've posted anything, so this might not get shown where I want it to. For someone who has only been working leather for only a few months, you are really good. Some people are not this good even at ten or more years. You have a talent for this work and all I can say is ....... don't stop now.




More Reflections Of A 4-H Leader

At last, there is some improvement in my 4-H kids and their work. Sat down with them last night for about half an hour just fine tuning certain areas that they were having trouble in. Even though I had shown them the proper way of holding the mallet, none of them used it properly; so, I went through step by step how to pick it up and then using the wrist action, strike the tool of choice. They weren't happy about it at first, but as they used it more, then it started to come natural to them.




Reflections Of A 4H Leather Class Leader

Patience needs work. Last night I gave my first actual leather tooling class to my 4H kids. They all took to it quickly enough and most, even the youngest one, was able to pick up the concept of how the swivel knive was used. Every one of them needs to practice using it, as well as the other tools. I started with a demonstration of how the swivel knife is used. I explained about under cutting, angle, stropping, sharpening and depth of cut. Scrap leather was given out for practice and after




So Far, So Good

So far, so good; I haven't made any mistakes that I know of on my blogging skills. I went to the local 4H general meeting last night, and every time I go there I get more impressed with the program. Last night the kids received their project books so they can start on working on their respective tasks they signed up for. I felt that the books should have been available last month as if I had started working the leather section this month, the kids would be a month behind. As it is, I did sta




4H musings

I survived my first meeting last night teaching a small group of kids the art of leather crafting. Four had signed on, but only three showed up, the fourth one being the star player on her team that played last night. Two of the kids have high hopes of learning all they can about leather and last night was their introduction into the leather world. One boy wants to eventually make a gun case for his father and the other boy wants to learn everything so he can make a fur coat out of fox skin.




Cut me some slack

Being new to making my own blog I'm sure I'll make mistakes, like forming two blogs of which only one will be active.




A New Beginning

It’s been really hectic around the workbench these days and I haven’t really had the chance to post on the blog like I should. My 4-H classes ended some time ago and all five of my kids did real well at the County Fair. In fact, I was a little surprised at how they did do. Three of them got Grand Champion and the other two received Reserve Grand Champion which meant that all of them would go to our State Fair. There was one other entry in the County Fair in leather, but he was from another p




Very Little Leather Work Don In January

Sitting at my computer reading postings in Face Book and Leatherworker.net, I thought back on all the leather projects I didn't do in January. I had great plans for whipping out several pictures, maybe a business card case or two and even clean my work bench. So much for all of my plans. Since the beginning of December when I finished the last of a series of coasters, and taught a class to my local 4H, I haven't done a thing. With February coming up tomorrow I think I'll get my pounding ston




The ramblings of a leather crafter

I call my self a hobbiest when it comes to leather crafting. I started out by making everything that Tandy put out until I ran out of friends and family to give hand made items to. A job took me away from leather for a few years, but when I retired I wanted to get back into it again, which I did. I switched from making belts (which I found out that I hate to make) and billfolds, to pictorials. I've interred many items into the IFoLG shows and won several ribbons, which helps my ego a little.




Work On Projects Is Started

I have decided to get off my backside and get busy doing leather. I found a picture I'm going to do, it was on the floor in a stack of other things. This will be my first major project in a while, and I think it will be interesting. It's a still life with pumpkins, apples, and other fruit, all sitting on a rustic table. I don't think I'm going to hurry on this one and if it turns out nice, I might dye it.While I was in the mood to do leather work I hunted around for some scrap leather and fo




Consignment sales

I should check my calendar more often, because I found out that the appointment for next weekend to sell some items on consignment is today. I quickly gathered up a few small things that I had laying around the house and got ready to go down to my local Heritage Center to meet with the director. Turns out that I had to wait for about 20 minutes due to a board meeting that everyone was involved in. The director finally met me and she already knew about my work ahead of time. We talked for a b




Musings of a 4H leader

Last night I survived another general meeting of my local 4H group. Next week I will start my first class teaching leather crafting to them and if it works out, I'll continue with it. It should be a lot of fun, but right now we are having trouble getting books for them, but I'll use an older version as a guide and will start them off with a boring session of what they need to do and a little of the history of leather.I have four kids signed up, ranging in age from 10 to 16. From what I unders




Finally, A Good Day

Today is the first day that I've felt good in two weeks. I blame part of that on the weather as we've had high winds most of that time; but I can't blame all of it there. Some of the blame goes to a back back problem that has bothered me for over 20 years. I have my good days, and I have my bad and when I have my good days I get a lot of leather worked on. So what am I doing? I'm sitting in my cluttered office typing remarks into my blog. Later, when my wife gets home from work I'll get her



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