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    Gothenburg, Sweden
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    sailing, sailing, sailing, sewing machines, canvas, tarp and leathersewing

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  1. That's too bad to hear. Well I had to pay in advance by bank transferal (SEPA). Had contact with them via e-mail and they billed me via e-mail with invoice attached. It took ages before I got the parts and communications with them was really bad. I too was wondering if this company was real. Hope you will get the parts. Maybee good idea to point out for them that they will get a bad reputation by doing buisness this way by simply refering to this forum thread?
  2. Hi, I've got a machine like yours but a later model (cream-colored). It's driven by a servo motor from Global at 750 Watt. As a belt I have chosen a 8 mm Polyurethane (green) like this one: https://www.ebelting.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_3&products_id=135&zenid=5a0b06vqsrcbknlgn2v0f46f47 This arrangement works beautyfully!
  3. For those on continental Europe intressted in this servo motor (Kinedyne), this might be a supplier of your choice. I send an email to them (first to Kinedyne to get info on their representative in Europe) to ask for price etc. Got an answer at last - see below - but I had not the patience to wait and bought a servo motor from Global instead. By the way I have none affiliation what so ever with this company. The email from them: - - - klipp - - - Hi thanks for your enquiry We are Kinedyne distributors and price for these motors is 400€ +vat22% with syncronizer for needle positioning and our support if you need help during fitting. Do the machines has any pneumatic? Which model is? Thanks Simone ___________________________________________ FERRARI MARIO sas di Ferrari Simone e C. Via E.Fermi, 16 - 25013 Carpenedolo (BS) Italy Tel +39 0309965924 Piva e CF / VAT nr. IT 03958960985 Codice Univoco M5UXCR1 www.ferrarimario.it Vendite, richieste o info generali - Sales, Enquiries or general infos ferrarimaccucire@gmail.com Fatture e amministrazione - Invoices and administration amministrazionefmsas@gmail.com Facebook FM macchine speciali veleria / special sailmaking sewing machines Sailrite for Europe Hightex/Cowboy partner Macchine per cucire e accessori / Sewing machines and accessories Filati tecnici - Technical threads : SUNSTOP and Dynebond - - - klipp - - -
  4. Well, it turned out that my suspicions were totally wrong. The firm Silac S.R.L. (https://silacsew.com/en_US/) situated in Livorno, Italy, did send all the ordered and paid in advance items. These were highly professionally packed and labled. Hook was original with hologram. So in fact this firm can be recommended as an supplier of sewing machine parts on continental Europe (no custom fees as is the case with british supplierers). One should though clarify in advance as how long delivery will take. Communication about this was absent in my case, maybe even due to me not asking before ordering or they not giving notice of long delivery time in the process.
  5. I ordered some spare parts for my Pfaff 545 at a company Silac (https://silacsew.com/) and paid the full amount according to their invoice. The company is said to be placed in Livorno, Italy. Since then I have not received the ordered items. On my inquieries (via email) about the whereabouts of the items I have not got any sensible answer. I have been informedd (after inquiering) by Pfaff in Germany, that they have got the items in stock in Germany, but that they did not have gotten any order for those items from Silac. This leads me to the conclusion that I probably placed my order at a fraudulant company. Does anyone of you know this company and their performance as a sewing machine / parts deliverer? There exists an american website: https://silac-america.com/.
  6. ... well it can be from left to right also. Have a look here: - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266893670541?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338722076&customid=&toolid=10050 -
  7. Hi, this is an old Pfaff machine. Please keep in mind that the "S" in "BS" is for the german "Stoffe" that is fabric. So this machine was not intended for leatherwork. Needle - presumably (like the Pfaff 130 and 138) - from front to back (that is threading). Needle's flat side to the rear.
  8. Hi, I am thinking of attaching a non-movable binder attachment to my Pfaff 335. The reason is to make it easier to switch between sewing "normally" versus sewing binding. Would it be possible to attach a binder (e.g. KHF2) directly to the KB69 Bracket Part (https://www.khsew.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=2227&search=bracket+part)? The KB69 (12mm) can be attached to the arm of Pfaff 335. Are there any big dis-advantages of choosing a non-movable binder for the Pfaff 335 (if it is at all feasable) instead of a moving one? /Uwe K
  9. Isn't this what you are looking for? - https://www.kwokhing.com/adler/da_205attachment.htm - https://www.khsew.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=741&search=khf205
  10. Thank you, Glenn. I thought there was more to it. As to the parts list. I have a parts list "Pfaff 335" "Bestandteileliste" with no "No. 296-12-14075/1077". Is this the list that you refer to as from 1989? Uwe K
  11. Hi Glenn, I thought so. I would love to look at your - newer - copy. Could you disclose the modification needed for the use of #138 thread ? Uwe K
  12. ... managed to squeeze the file. Instruction book for Pfaff 335 old casing. Instruction_book_Pfaff_335_old_casing.pdf
  13. I have bought a Pfaff 335 exactly like @Heard's two months ago. With the machine came an original Pfaff instruction book, which I scanned into a file. Total size is 45 MB, so I cannot attach the file here. Is there an other option to upload the file in some other place? @shoepatcher could you describe how to use #138 thread and the few modifications?
  14. This is nicely illustrated in this video:
  15. Does anyone know this company (https://www.miketony.com.tw/en/product-c34798/Hook-And-Shuttle-Hook.html)? Reputation?
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