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    looking for barry kings web site

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  1. I am going to make a rifle case out of fabric and want to know what is the best liner to use? Flannel? Quilted fabric? I plan on using Cotton Duck on the outside. Should I put some kind of padding between the duck and inside liner? Where is the best place to get zippers and webbing? THank you for your help! G
  2. What a sweet little pumpkin!!!! Congrats!
  3. I bought a Chaylor-Fenneli Interior for a note book. It has card board all the way up for backing. My question is: Am I suppose to sew though this cardboard with my machine around the edges? Any other helpful words of wisdom are welcome.
  4. Wow Pat.... That is NOT what I pictured when you described it to me. I was thinking of something one would ware around the waist. It looks wonderful! Ginny
  5. Thanks for the detailed instructions. I think I can follow that! I was thinking that the pattern had to be a set shape... But what you are telling me is that it can pretty much be any shape that suits my fancy? Like a big pair of lips, a heart or some other girly shape? Thanks again - both of you. I will post my girly holster when I get it made! Wow. THanks for that...
  6. Hi, I am trying to make a pancake holster. I have access to a Glock 19 - 9 mm, XDM 9 mm, and a Walther P22. I found the holster pattern from Springfield Leather, but it does not have any of the guns that I have access too. I have made a few holsters for single actions using the AS holster book. I am currently playing with a holster to hold the Glock, but it looks like the cowboy holsters (not the pancake style) . I am trying to fine tune it, I have cut and pinched and prodded it , so its really UGLY. Anyway, It is still a western holster and not a pancake. Is there anywhere that sales one of the three gun patterns that I have in pancake style? I am not sure how to make my own pattern for the pancake. (I have watched the video and read many post on here and the web on how to put it together, just not giving me the pattern. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. What kind of leather do you use for your holsters?
  8. How to case leather http://www.leatherworker.net/Bob%20Park/Casing%20Leather.pdf
  9. Bar C, Your story sound similar to my story about 3 years ago with the same company. I got swatches in the mail, was assured that the leather was soft and plyable on the phone, quality leather for pillow making. No scratches...... occasional brand.... I get the leather and it is all scratched up, not plyable - pretty stiff, and did not look anything like my sample. I called for a few weeks and finally gave up hope, as I was too busy at the time. It sat in the box for about a year - waiting for the pick up slip - which never came. I just stopped buying from them. At the time they were the only place that I got leather from. I did receive calls from them a few times after, but it was to sell me more leather, not to see what happened with the order I was unhappy with. When I would bring it up to their attention, I was told that they would send a pick up tag...... Never happened. After they called about 4 times trying to get me to buy more leather, I asked them to take me off their list, that I would never buy from them again. I tell you this story because I don't want you to feel like you are the odd duck out..... It happened to me too! On a good note, I was able to use the stiff leather, it was a backer for table runners and boot stockings. G
  10. Those are really nice. Is the pink inlayed leather or dyed?
  11. You can try Moscow Hide and Fur http://www.hideandfur.com/
  12. Yeah, I would say your new shop has a little bit more room. It looks nice! How deep are your work tables? I spent last night looking at some of the other threads about work tables.... I had a hard time finding the links by myself. I was typing in work bench and it was located under workstation. Someone should make it a sticky Thanks for y'all posting the pictures.
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