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Status Updates posted by Spinner

  1. One man, 7 tank bibs, 3 gas tanks, 10 days to finish...almost feels like Reality TV!

    1. reddevil76


      sounds like what my boss calls a happy problem!

    2. Techsew Ron
  2. Finally finished my website...I'm sure it will change as I think of other things but it's a start! http://www.threemuttscustoms.com

    1. jinrui73


      Awesome website Spinner! Thats some excellent innovation with the pocketed side panel wraps and the peg mounted water bottle holder. Excellent leatherworking too. Keep it up!

  3. was handed a case for a pair of WWII binocs today and asked to remake it with some modernizing of the hardware...should be interesting! The cool thing is, the original case is still in somewhat decent shape considering it's age.



      I have an M24 case from WWII. It just needs some rivets redone, otherwise in pretty good shape.

  4. Today had my work recognized by someone on an item I did for a client across the country from me - before they even saw the maker's mark...now that's a good feeling.

    1. whinewine


      That IS a super good feeling!

  5. recieved the black dyed tooling leather from W&C, penetration is approximately 30% front and back, very deep black color. Tools & cuts just as well as the natural. Very happy.

    1. cem


      Thanks for that Spinner, good to know.

  6. fingers are going numb...lacing a 12ft long run in triple loop and then 6ft of buckstitch...1/2 way there!

    1. Jim


      Don't be like the guy who tried to swim the Atlantic; he got half way across and decided he couldn't make it and swam back. Keep going!

  7. The internet is the worlds biggest filing cabinet and trash can combined into one.

  8. Just realized how long it's been since I posted any pics, will have to remedy that.

  9. woohoo! I was worried I'd actually have to work at the day job tomorrow...glad the forum is back runnin'!

  10. work load is nill as of now...have a few days to make 'fun' stuff!

  11. 3rd set of side covers down...looking forward to doing the leash order just to do something different!

  12. That's why I have dual boot on my Mac...stable hardware with both OS worlds =)

  13. having a niche market is great but now I'm booked 2 weeks out...gotta find time to ride my bike while customizing others!

  14. Found out tonight that necessity truly is the mother of invention...

  15. Eye doc says I need glasses...might explain why fine detail sometimes escapes me...

  16. Hey TroyS, I missed your request for pictures...updated with some tonight: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24813

  17. That's why I have multiple browsers =) Google (Chrome) is showing LW as being 'clean'

  18. Got my first International custom order today...first the U.S....next the world! mwahahahaha!

  19. turning more burnishers tonight...also proved the old addage, if a process ain't broke don't try and fix it...spent 2 hours fixing my 'imrpovements' to the system!

  20. Glad you like it X!

  21. You're welcome LNL! Glad you like it. =)

  22. Water sucks! It really, really sucks! Gatorade is bettah!

  23. LOL...it was 97 degrees in L.A. today & yesterday...gonna get chilly next week! 68 degrees is the forecast!

  24. "Oh tell me Hank, why do ya drink?"...them was the good ole days

  25. Anet - sometimes I like to look at something 2-3 times before commenting and this can take me a few days. Nice work, keep it up.

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