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Everything posted by chouinardragon

  1. Hi, I meant "priching wheel" not "pricking iron", picture as attached. Thanks! Chris
  2. Hello, Old Osborne Pricking Irons & overstitches Needed in size #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 Let me know what you have for sale. Thank you! Chris
  3. I'd like they are made in the USA...though I'm from Taiwan. But products that are made in Taiwan are getting better and better.
  4. Hi Kevin, Thanks a lot. But there is no Weaver's in Taiwan...Too bad
  5. Hi, Since Verlane Desgrange passed away, I've been thinking if the stud hook designed by her if still available or not. Anyone knows? Thanks! Chris
  6. Hi Guys, Thanks a lot. Not just how to cut with a round knife but how to sharpen it. Okay, I got it. I'll sharpen my knife and try the ways you told. You guys rock! Chris
  7. Hi, Since I've been researching,searching and buying tools for almost a year. I'm totally unexperienced. Yesterday,I finally stepped forward. I picked up an old Osborne round knife and tried to cut a leather. It was okay for me to cut straight but when I cut the tight corner, I just couldn't cut it smoothly. How to cut tight corner smoothly with a head / round knife? I draw two pictures as attached, which one is correct? Thanks! I also tried some other tools I have and totally enjoyed with these tools. It's fun. Chris
  8. Hi, Anyone wants to sell the old C S Osborne punches? I want round and oval punches in small sizes used for making belt. I also want round and English point strap end punches in any sizes. Please PM me with price and photos. Or anyone knows where can I get some them? Douglas tools??? Chris
  9. Hello, I think there's no short cut. It takes time to get there. Practice makes perfection. Thanks man. Chris
  10. Hi guys, Thanks a lot. I was wondering if I use a 6 spi pricking iron to mark on the leather first, then when I start to stitch, I have to use the awl to pierce the leather. How can I make the stitching hole go straight and even? There're seldom people using overstitches and pricking irons in Taiwan and I don't know why. People here are using pricking chisels to pierce the leather directly. Maybe most of us are taught by the leather textbooks translated from Japanese. I wish I should try somthing different using a pricking irons or overstitch. Chris
  11. Hi, Thank you guys. Here are the pictures as attached. I still doubt that they are all using in the same way...Three of the wheels are all look so differently... Hi, Thank you guys. Here are the pictures as attached. I still doubt that they are all using in the same way...Three of the wheels are all look so differently... But I'll follow what you instructed me. Chris
  12. Hi, I bought an old CS Osborne marking spacer but I don't know what it is used for. There're also pricking wheel and overstitch wheel that I don't know how to use. Here's what I thought in my mind. overstitch wheel and marking spacer - used to mark stitching space then uses a same size pricking chisel to punch stitching slits pricking wheel - used to prick stitching slits without pricking chisel Am I right? Chris
  13. Hi guys, What kind of lamp do you use on your worktable while you do leather works? I still don't have a lamp on my worktable, I think I need one. And I just found one I like, but I don't know what is it called? Picture as attached which I downloaded from Quoddy. Anyone can ID that lamp? Anyway, tell me what kind of work lamp you use? Picture? Chris
  14. Hi MadMax, I have heard of Ed and looked at some of his mauls, they're gorgeous,too. The maul handles are beautiful...I think I'll try his maul when I need a lighter maul. What kind of payment does he accept? I send a money order to Wayne, then he send me his maul, it took me about 2 weeks to get the maul. Though it's kind of inconvenience, but Wayne is really a nice guy and I like to take to him... Chouinardragon
  15. Hi, Try Versa Groover from Douglas tools,Sheridan,WY. I just received mine, it's gorgeous. The Versa Groover is $80 which includes a tip of your choice. Additional tips are $15 each. Tips come in Small, Medium andrge sizes. You can contact them through 307.737.2222 or e-mail dsctools@rangeweb.net Chris
  16. Hi Johanna, That helps a lot! I finally realize what they made to use. I probably will buy some Vergaz Blanchard's chisels, though they are expensive. Thank you so much. Chris
  17. Hi Bobby, You got me! Though I don't have it, at least I can have a picture of it I'm crazy about his maul, but it seems impossible to have chance to have them anymore. Bob is really busy, he has to go to trade show, teach classes, make tools...I don't know when I will have my tools I ordered. But, I still have to move on, I ordered a 2lb maul from Wayne Jueschke and received it yesterday. It's good and handy. Is the maul handle made of leather?? I'm kind of curious about it. Chris
  18. Hi, There're so many kind of stitching chisels, I'm confused. The CS Osborne have 3 kinds of chisels, thonging chisels,stitching chisels and pricking chisels. Are they all made for making slits for lacing?? If yes, the slits they make are different, the thonging and stitching chisels make straight slits and the pricking chisels make oblique slits. What's the difference between these two slits while lacing? By the way, in Taiwan, we use another kind of chisels for making stitching slits, please see the attached pictures. I'm really confused. Anyone can help? Thanks! Chris
  19. Hi, I have a photo downloaded from this forum, see attached photo. Chris
  20. Hi, Thanks! I'm not a Osborne collector but it would be my first choice. After receiving my divider and scretch compass of CSO,Newark, I found myself fascinating with these old tools. If I could not find these Osborne punches, then Dixon would be the next target. Chris
  21. Hi, I need old C S Osborne round and oval hole punches for making a 1 1/2" wide, 14oz leather belt. Don't know exactly what size should be? #5 ?? Also need an Old CSO 1" or 1 1/8" bag punch and an old CSO 1 1/2" English point strap end punch (smaller or larger one are welcome). If you have them for sale, please let me know... The punch is not the one that CSO sells now, please see attached photos. Thanks! Chris
  22. Hi Gary, I will take it ... still available? Chris
  23. I need a Weaver "Heritage Leather Clamp" #65-3030,$31.50 Chris
  24. I have same problem and am located in Taipei...frustrated
  25. Hi Knut, Sorry about that! Thank you so much! Chris
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