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Everything posted by terrahyd

  1. My brother works in Japan 20days a month ;;computers???he says the country side is very pretty,love to see it one day..Doc..

  2. Hi Ranch;; if you like to read you'r at the right place; tons of info here ;;try the search upper right each page;;check tutorials in the gallery (tool bar);;bottem of each post page has (similar topics) this changes each visit, it brings post from every where,old ; new; where ever;; WELCOME TO LEATHERWORKER.NET ..........Doc...

  4. welcome to the site

  5. welcome to the site

  6. welcome to the site

  7. welcome to the site

  8. Hi AZ rider;; realy like the way you did the rose and the lettering also, as bearman said about the edges ,looking pretty good my friend ..Doc..
  9. Nice job on the belt Bonnie ..even if you did't get to tool it ''nice work ...Doc...
  10. welcome to the site ;;Ty;;

  11. welcome to the site

  12. welcome to the site

  13. HI dILLI GAS;; glad you could join us;; don't worry about the questions,, each one of us started as you are and know the trials and trub'n you are enjoying..there is a great amount of info stored here.. use the search fuction and check the tutorials in the gallery(on the tool bar) these masters can be a lot of help ;; enjoy..Doc..
  14. Hi Gary;; years ago I made these bags both with straps and belt loops.. have looked for the pattern (no luck ) ckeck with tandy; they have sold kits and patterns at one time or another ,,bet it's in one of All's books.....Doc..
  15. Well with out the wieght of all that money, you got better gas milage;; win-win;; ...Doc...
  16. welcome to the site

  17. welcome to the site

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